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2011年国际货运代理考试:英语讲义第一章来源:考试百科(K) 更新时间:2011-3-29 9:38:39 【考试百科:中国教育考试第一门户】 【摘要】2011年货运代理考试正在紧张的备考阶段,在复习中英语是复习的重点和难度,下面总结了英语复习的一些知识点,供大家复习参考。 一. 了解货运代理最初的职责【货运代理考试】  1-1 课文:Orig…/2011年货运代理考试正在紧张的备考阶段,在复习中英语是复习的重点和难度,下面总结了英语复习的一些知识点,供大家复习参考。 一. 了解货运代理最初的职责/【/货运代理考试/】 1-1 课文:Originally, a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks such as loading/unloading of goods, storage of goods, arranging local transport, obtaining payment for his customer, etc… 这句话是比较长,一句一段,核心句子:a freight forwarder was a commission agent performing on behalf of the exporter/importer routine tasks 注释: freight forwarder 货运代理人 commission agent 委托代理人 on behalf of 代表 routine tasks 日常工作 loading/unloading of goods 装载/卸载货物 storage of goods 货物存放,货物存储 这句话大致意思是:最开始,货运代理是进出口商的委托代理人,替进出口商做一些常规事务,比如装载/卸载货物,货物的存储,安排地方运输…. 1-2 课文:However, the expansion of international trade and the development of different modes of transport over the years that followed enlarged the scope of his services. 核心句子:A and B enlarged the scope of his services. A 是指 :expansion of international trade 国际贸易的扩大 B 是指 :development of different modes of transport 不同运输方式的发展 注释: Over the years that followed 在随后的几年里; international trade: 国际贸易 modes of transport: 运输方式 这句话大致意思是:在以后的几年里,国际贸易的扩大和不同运输方式的发展加大了货运代理的服务范围。 1-3 课文:Today, a freight forwarder plays an important role in international trade and transport. 注释: Play an important role : 扮演重要的角色(引申为:起着重要的作用) International trade and transport 国际贸易和运输 这句话大致意思是:现在,货运代理人在国际贸易和运输中起着重要的作用。 1-4 课文:The services that a freight forwarder renders may often range from routine and basic tasks such as the booking of space or customs clearance to a comprehensive package of services covering the total transportation and distribution process. 核心句子:The services may often range from to 注释: render: 在这里的意思是“提供”,= offer, provide range : 在... 范围内变化,后面常跟 from ...to... booking of space 订舱 a comprehensive package of services: 全面的一揽子服务 cover : 包括,涉及 = include transpor


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