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Book Ⅲ Unit 2 Period 4Using Language导学案 编制人:费娟娟 审核人:英语组 【学习目标】 通过听力让学生获取不均衡的饮食习惯对于人的健康的影响,从而养成均衡饮食的习惯。 2.通过阅读掌握以下重点词组,加深对于均衡饮食的理解: be in debt , glare at, earn one’s living , cut down, before long. 【使用说明及学法指导】 1.学生首先自学课文,了解饮食习惯对于人的健康的影响。 2.合作探究,建立知识体系,老师作补充讲解,点拨。 3.独立完成练习题,核对答案,学生讲解,老师作点拨。 课前预习案 【自主学习】------大胆试 【自学导引】 I:Scan the text and then choose the best answer according to the text. 1.Wang Peng was worried when he thought his restaurant would no longer be popular because_____. A. he would be in debt B. he could no longer earn his living C. he would lose his job D. his friends would not visit him 2.Yong Hui was very angry when she came to Wang Peng’s restaurant because_____. A. she thought he was a new customer B. she was told he was a spy C. she thought he had spied on her restaurant D. he was too fat 3.Wang Peng’s research showed_____. A .his menu was balanced B. both menus were balanced C. Yong Hui’s menu was balanced D. neither menu was balanced 4.He suggested they provide a combined menu because __. A. he liked Yong Hui. B. he didn’t want to lose his customers C. he thought her menu was better D. this would provided a balanced diet II: Scan the text again and then decide if these sentences are True or False. 1. Wang Peng won back his customers because he must make a living on the restaurant. 2. Wang Peng’s restaurant serves too much energy-giving food while Yong Hui’s is a healthy diet. 3. At last, they combined their menus and cut down the fat and increase the fibre in the meal. 4. Their balanced menu made Wang Peng and Yong Hui slimmer. Ⅲ:Scan the text again and then answer the questions. 1. Why did Yong Hui come to Wang’s restaurant the next day? 2. How did Yong Hui feel when she had the meal in Wang’s restaurant? 3. What did they find after their chat? 4. How has their relationship changed ? 课堂探究案 ------------------------------------------------------------------


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