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第二单元Cloze As climate warming causes the oceans to rise, subsequent flooding and storm surges are sure to impact people in coastal areas around the world. But estimates for how many people will be inundated have fallen short by many millions of people, suggests a new study.The new research, which also foresaw a ripple effect as people move away from the coasts, offers a better idea of how many people will be at risk from environmental change. That should help communities better prepare and protect themselves. 由于气候变暖而导致海平面上升,随之而来的洪水和风暴潮势必会影响到世界范围内的沿海居民。然而,一项新的研究表明:之前对于遭受洪水淹没的危险的人数的数据少估计了数千万。最新的调查也预测了由于人们会迁离海岸儿导致的波浪效应,但它提出了一个更好的研究角度:即环境变化会使有多少人会身处危险。这种研究方法会帮助公众更好地为未来准备以及保护自己。 Were underestimating in potentially very significant ways the magnitude of impact, said Katherine Curtis, a sociologist and demographer at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Were missing millions of people. 来自威斯康辛大学的社会学家和人口统计学家凯瑟琳·柯蒂斯认为:“我们可能低估了海平面上升的影响程度,这很关键,我们少算了数百万人。” To find out just how many people are potentially vulnerable, Curtis and colleague Annemarie Schneider began with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes predictions about sea level rise over the next few decades. Then, they looked geographically to identify four of the most vulnerable regions in the United States as California, Florida, New Jersey and South Carolina. 为了调查有多少人会有淹没的可能性,柯蒂斯和他的同事阿内玛丽·施耐德开始和政府间委员会一起研究关于未来几十年内海平面上升的对气候变化的预期。然后,他通过地理学角度找出美国四处最可能被淹没的地区:加利福尼亚,佛罗里达,新泽西和南卡罗来纳。 When the researchers combined sea-level data with projected populations in those areas for the year 2030, they came up with an estimate of 19.3 million people who will be at risk of being inundated by rising sea levels in just the four regions they looked at.That number, which they reported in the journal Population and Environment, is 35 percent higher than the estimated 12.5 million people who would have been predicted to be at risk if the study had considered population levels in the year 2000. 当研究人员结合海平面数据和这些地区2030年规划中的人口时,他们估计仅在这四个他们研究


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