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自制童话故事书 -MIA 20091601416 09外语4班 lili Dear myself, Hello! Dear myself.This is my first book and very funny one to write for you.Maybe I can describe it as a cartoon book.A you know ,I just collected all of your homework,then put them together and added some beautiful pictures.I did this just because I want to help you keep these funny things into your life,I hope someday you can appreciate it again.maybe you will got some new felling,no matter the laugh or the cry. Whatever ,I hope it will be a good memory in your future life. If someday you open this book,don?t lose in the beautiful picture,but I hope you can read each page,each story,each sentence and each word carefully.because all of them are your life.I hope you can treat it as a treasure and keep it well. My name is li jingjiao, English name is Mia. I was born on Aug.25 .1989. My hometown is Dali,it is so beautiful that I?am proud of it. Then I will introuduce something else to you. My hobby is reading,watching TV, and Yoga .When I sad,I like listening music,it can make me fell relax and calm down. I like every beautiful things. I am studing in kunming university ,it is not a famous one ,but it is really very nice.I wrote this book in junior, it is based on my children?s literature homework. Some of them are poems. All of them are based on my life. Allitration BIG E Little e What beg(转 载 于:wWw.zAIdian.cOM 在 点 网:自制童话故事书)ins with E? Ella eat an apple and an egg. BIG F Little f What begins with F? Father fly in the sky. BIG G Little g What begins with G? God gives a good luck for me. BIG H Little h What begins with H? Harry have a haircut. 篇二:书写自己的童话故事 书写自己的童话故事 2014年4月14日 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天我想和大家一起分享美国职业篮球联赛华裔篮球运动员林书豪的故事。 2012年2月15日,加拿大航空体育馆,最后20秒,当时纽约尼克斯队和猛龙队战成平局,林书豪决定执行最后一击,他转头用眼光询问教练,我能单打吗?教练点了点头:放手去做吧,孩子!队友们纷纷向底线走开去,带走了他们的防守人,给林书豪拉开单打的空间,世界在等待着林书豪的抉择,他在30英尺处运球,10秒……5秒,篮球在天空中划过一道美丽的弧线,刹那间整个航空体育馆陷入死一般的沉静,然后就传来清脆的刷网声,尼克斯队取得了胜利。 这位执行绝杀的林书豪就是继易建联、姚明之后在美国、在中国、在世界篮球界被广泛热议的篮球运动员。2


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