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CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 毕业设计(论文)资料附件: 外文文献原文及译文 学生姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 专 业: 土木工程(桥梁方向) 指导教师: 2010 年 3 月 What is traffic engineering Traffic engineering is still a relatively new discipline within the overall bounds of civil engineering. it has nevertheless already been partially planning. the disciplines are not synonymous though. transportation planning is concerned with the planning, functional design, operation and management of facilities for any mode of transportation in order to provide for the safe, rapid, comfortable, convenient, economical and enviromenally-comparible movement of people and goods. within that broad scope, traffic engineering deals with those functions in respect of roads, road networks, terminal points , about lands and their relationships with other modes of transportation. Those definitions, based on the 1976 ones of the U.S.institute of transportation engineers are complete than, the British instituting of civil engineering which deals with traffic planning and design of roads, of frontage development and of parking facilities and with the control of traffic to provide safe, convenient and economical movement of vehicles and pedestrians. The definitions of the disicipline are becoming clearer: the methodology is developing continuously and becoming increasingly scientific. the early rule-of-thumb techniques are disappearing. Traffic problem The discipline is young: the problem is large and still growing. in 1920 the total number of motor vehicles, licensed in great Britain was,650,000.fifty year later the comparable figure was 14,950,000-a growth factor of 23 times. in recent years the rate of growth has slackened somewhat, but it is still considerable: 1955 6,466,000 1960 9,439,000 1965 12,938,000 1970 14,950,000 1974 17,247,000 In order to see the problem in every day terms ,consider high street. anywhere. assuming that present trends


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