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中国银行金沙分理处 留学缴费产品介绍 This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. 什么是旅行支票? 旅行支票是由银行或金融公司发行并最终付款的定额票据。是一种专门为留学生,旅行者,移民者而设计的支付工具。该产品由持有人在票面上签名,即可取得接受方的无条件付款或服务。 This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. 1850年,公司创立始于货物递送业务,总部设于纽约。 在1891年发行第一张旅行支票,至今已121年。 美国运通是美国道琼斯工业指数30家公司中唯一的服务性公司。 1951年美国运通首度使用百夫长(Centurion)图像于旅行支票上,成功加强防伪功能,该图像并成为美国运通品牌精神象征以及全球知名的商标 美国运通公司简介 This document contains unpublished confidential and proprietary information of American Express. No disclosure or use of any portion may be made without the express written consent of American Express. 安全 遗失或被盗,可及时免费补发,比现金更安全* 方便 可在银行兑换成当地货币,或在接受旅行支票的商店直接使用并可找零 永久有效 没有到期日,未使用完的旅行支票,



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