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raise 意 义 vt.举起、提高、提升;筹集、征集;唤起、引起;养育、饲养、种植;提升,增加(工资)
搭 配 raise one’s hand 举手 raise one’s hat to sb. 向某人举帽致敬 raise doubts in people’s minds 引起人们的怀疑 raise a child 养育孩子 raise farm/corps 饲养 raise funds 筹集资金 raise salaries 增加薪水 raise standards of service 提高服务水平
辨析 raise
lift raise
多指由低处垂直举往高处,不一定费力 lift 指用力或机械把重物提高到较高的位置 rise
arouse rise v.上升 arise v.发生 arouse v.激发起 真 题 Though______in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred
to record the plain facts of small-town life. 答案 A)raised B)grown C)developed D)cultivated A
extend 意 义 vt.延伸;扩展、扩大;提供、给予;
vi.伸展、延伸;(在范围或应用上)达到 构 词 ex(向外)+tend(伸展) 变 形 extension. n.伸出、伸展;延长部分;电话分机 extensive 广大的、广阔的;广泛的 intensive a.加强的,深入细致的 搭 配 extensive knowledge 广博的知识 to extend credit/visa 延长信贷限期/签证 extensive reading 泛读 extensive discussion 广泛的讨论
辨析 enlarge
expand enlarge v.扩大,放大 expand v.使膨胀,扩张 extend lengthen prolong extend 指直线状的伸展,引申指扩大势力、范围。 lengthen 指增加长度或延长时间。 prolong 指时间过程延长到超过通常或正常的限度。 真 题 It is quite necessary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _____ knowledge. 答案 A) extensive B) expansive C) intensive D) expensive A
intensive 意 义 a.加强的,集中的,深入细致的;集约(经营)的,精耕细作的 构 词 ex(向外)+tend(伸展) 变 形 intensity
n.强烈,剧烈;强度 intensively adv.加强地,集中地,深入细致地 搭 配 intensive study 深入细致的研究 intensive reading 精读 intensive agriculture 集约农业 labour intensity 劳动强度 look at sb. with intensity 深情地看着某人 辨 析
高或达到极端的程度。 intensive
含有intense的意思,但更强调“精细的;集中的”。An intense
attack 全线的攻击;an intensive attack 集中某一点攻击。 真 题 The patient’s health failed to such an extent that he was put into____care. 答案 A)tense B)rigid C)intensive D)tight C The relationship between employers and employees has been studied________ 答案 A)originally B)extremely C)violently D)intensively D