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Chapter 2 Values, Attitudes, Emotions and Culture: The Manager as a Person Learning Objectives Describe the various personality traits that affect how managers think, feel, and behave Explain what values and attitudes are and describe their impact on managerial action Appreciate how moods and emotions influence all members of an organization Learning Objectives Describe the nature of emotional intelligence and its role in management Define organizational culture and explain how managers both create and are influenced by organizational culture Personality Traits Personality Traits Enduring tendencies to feel, think, and act in certain ways that can be used to describe the personality of every individual Managers’ personalities influence their behavior and approach to managing people and resources Big Five Personality Traits Big Five Personality Traits Extraversion tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and feel good about oneself and the rest of the world Managers high in extraversion tend to be sociable, affectionate, outgoing and friendly Managers low in extraversion tend to be less inclined toward social interaction and have a less positive outlook Jack Welch——GE 韦尔奇初掌通用时,通用电气的销售额为250亿美元,市场价值在全美上市公司中仅排名第十,而到1999年,通用电气实现了1110亿美元的销售收入(世界第五),市值已位居世界第二。 韦尔奇初掌通用电气时,旗下仅有照明、发动机和电力3个事业部在市场上保持领先地位。而如今已有12个事业部在其各自的市场上数一数二,如果单独排名,通用电气有9个事业部能入选《财富》500强。 在韦尔奇执掌通用电气的19年中,公司一路迅跑,并因此连续3年在美国《财富》杂志“全美最受推崇公司”评选中名列榜首。 Big Five Personality Traits Negative affectivity tendency to experience negative emotions and moods, feel distressed, and be critical of oneself and others 任正非——华为 任正非1978年从部队转业,1987年创办了深圳华为技术有限公司,主要从事GSM设备、交换机及接入设备的研发生产。华为2008年销售收入233亿美元。在其44000名员工中,48%从事研发工作,截至2006年6月已累计申请专利超过14000 件。 “十年来我天天思考的都是失败,对成功视而不见,也没有什么荣誉感、自豪感,而是危机感。也许是这样才存活了十年 。” Big Five Personality Traits Agreeableness tendency to get along well with others Managers high in agreeableness are likable, affectionate and care about others Managers with low agreeableness may be distrustfu


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