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Every product, equipment and whole-system will be specially designed and customized according to each customer’s or projects’ requirements. Please request for more information on the above products by emails or please refer to our websites for the latest details. Emails:; addnewhk@ Tel: 0086 755 2642 2457; 2642 2458 (Shenzhen Office) Fax: 0086 755 2642 2562; 00852 3011 7657 (Shenzhen Office) Address: 11/F., AXA Centre, 151 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: 00852 5173 4830; 8206 9319; Fax: 00852 3011 7657 Websites: 1) .hk; 2) addnewhk@ .hk Addnew Technologies Limited -- Long-term partner to help you outperform! Latest technologies Cost-effective solutions Power Electronics Department Breakdown of products based on 2009’s sales revenues of Power Electronics Depart Compensators Frequency Converters Soft-Starters Industrial Rectifiers Company Profile Addnew Technologies Limited Leading supplier of HVFC, SVC, APF, Soft-starters, Rectifiers, etc. for power-saving and power quality in the fields of power generating, power distribution and power consumption in all kinds of heavy industries. Company Profile Product Portforlios in Power Quality Energy Efficiency The First-class Manufacturing Capability, Testing Capability, Managerial Ability Technical Advantages Technology Achievements Some Completed Projects in Operation in SVC Company Profile (Addnew Technologies Limited) Dedicated to generating more green energy and continuously increasing power efficiency for a cleaner earth through the latest technologies and cost-effective solutions, Addnew Technologies Limited (ADDNEW) is a leading supplier of complete range of equipments and tailor-made total solutions including Power Electronics products like HVFC, SVC, SVG for power quality and energy efficiency and Hydropower Generating Systems for new and existing Hydroelectric Power Plant. Registered in Hong Kong, ADDNEW specializes in research, development, manufacturin


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