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Q: Led 当客户问到LED在商店里的应用是怎么回答: 你好,请问你们需要什么样的效果?比如水果商店在LED灯的照亮下会变的新鲜和光彩。商场的温馨会涉及到LED灯的色温,比如面板灯我们暖白(2900-3200K),),商业白(3200-3500K),正白(5900-6500K) 我们灯管有T5系列相比传统的 T8,单位面积辐射量大,对荧光粉,玻璃的消耗减少,还有里面的调光型荧光灯电子镇流器能提高电能利用率。 灯条在商店里的应用也很时尚,加上动感的音乐,还有变幻的灯光颜色,使得整个商店挺有活力。 我们的主打产品是灯条。我们可以配电源和控制器调光器给你们。这里我们将附上我们的产品目录,上面有图片和价格。感兴趣的就给我们发邮件留言。很乐意为你们服务、 Hello, this is jusly from snowball. 1)I wonder what the shop you want to look like? Such as in the fruit shop, the fruits will look fresher and luster when you used the led. different kind of the color temperature can make different color. 2)T5 series compared with the traditional T8, unit area is big, to radiation phosphor, glass, and reduce consumption of light inside of fluorescent electronic ballasts can increase the energy utilization rate. 3)on the other hand, the strip light in your shop will much vigor when the music open, and we have a lot of color, blue, green, white, red, and RBG. Our products are popular depend on our good quality and service, can I know your e-mail pl? my glad to send you the catalogue of strip light, panel light to your reference. Hope to our first cooperation. my skype:snowballsales11 1. 我们的工夫全白搭了。 Our efforts were all wasted. 2. 他思想搞通了,精神也就愉快了。 Once he straightened out his ideas, he became cheerful again. 3. 这个病人的死,毫无疑问是医生的治疗不当造成的。 There is no doubt that the patient has died of the doctor’s improper treatment. 4. 健全自己身体,保持合理的规律生活,这是自我修养的物质基础。 Keep fit and lead a reasonable and regular life. This is the material basis for self-accomplishment. 5. 现在中国市场有两个显著特点:一方面是农产品比价丰富;另一方面是农产品价格上涨幅度大。 At present, there are two conspicuous characteristics of the market of China. On the one hand, there are quite abundant agricultural products available. On the other hand, the prices of the agricultural products are rising at an extremely high speed. 6. Whenever anyone teased John about his weight, he saw red. 每当有人对约翰的体重开玩笑时,他就大发雷霆。 太阳能灯具和LED灯具专业英语翻译 工作环境温度:Working temperature 工作电压:Sup


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