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中美元首在联合记者会上的讲话 中国 北京 2009年11月17日 Joint Press Statement by Chinese President Hu and US. President Obama Beijing, China November 17, 2009 PRESIDENT HU: 胡锦涛主席: Your Excellency President Obama, and dear friends from the news media, ladies and gentlemen: 尊敬的奥巴马总统, 各位记者朋友, 女士们,先生们: 很高兴和各位记者朋友在这里见面,首先我代表中国政府和人民,对奥巴马总统来华进行国事访问表示热烈欢迎。 I’m very happy to meet our friends from the press and media. To begin with, I would like to extend on behalf of the Chinese government and people a warm welcome to President Obama on his state visit. Welcome to China. 刚才我和奥巴马总统进行了很好的会谈,双方就发展中美双边关系和共同关心的重大国际和地区问题,深入交换了意见,达成了广泛共识,会谈是坦诚的、建设性的、富有成果的。 Just now I had very good talks with President Obama. The two sides had in-depth exchange of views on how to further bilateral relationship and on major regional and international issues of shared interest. The two sides reached broad, important agreement. The talks were candid, constructive, and very fruitful. 我和奥巴马总统都认为,当前国际形势继续发生复杂深刻变化,全球性的挑战不断增多,世界各国相互依存日益紧密。为此,需要加强国际合作。 Both President Obama and I believe that at present the international situation continues to undergo profound and complex changes. There are growing global challenges, and countries in today’s world have become more and more interdependent. In this context, it is necessary to step up international cooperation. 在新的形势下,中美两国在事关人类和平与发展的一系列重大问题上,有着广泛的共同利益和广阔的发展空间。 Against this new backdrop, China and United States share extensive common interests and broad prospect for cooperation on a series of major issue important to mankind’s peace and stability and development. 我和奥巴马总统都积极评价美国新一届政府就职以来中美关系的发展,一致同意坚持从战略的高度和长远的角度出发,加强对话、交流、合作,共同努力建设21世界积极合作全面的中美关系。并将采取切实行动,稳固建立应对共同挑战的中美关系,为促进世界的和平稳定和繁荣而努力。 President Obama and I spoke positively of the progress made in the China-U.S. relationship since the new American administration took office. We both agreed to continue to adopt a strategic and long-term perspective, increase the dialogue exchanges and cooperation, and work together to build a posit


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