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数码样稿:D-1209/10-ID92358 DND点读笔“一点通”简介 外语培训市场生机勃发,外语学习工具市场更是蓬勃昂然,从最早的复读机、电子词典到现在的外语学习机等,一直深受学子的追捧。外语学习市场利润空挡巨大,各种学习工具需要全新的升级,从而促进市场区隔。而目前大多数外语电教类产品消费群定位模糊,使得占学生总数67%1.4亿小学生没有合适的外语电教类产品可供使用,市场空白必定产生强大的需求。DND “一点通”是“中国第一款多功能外语学习笔”,将目标人群主要定位在中小学生市场,同时又能满足高中生及其他社会人群学习外语的需要。DND “一点通”必将在教育科技数码产品市场一枝独秀,引领市场销售狂潮。 The DND spot reads the pen “a spot to pass” the synopsis The foreign language trains the market vitality to thrive, the foreign language study tool market is vigorous fearless, from earliest retakes courses machine, the electronic dictionary to presents foreign language learning machine and so on, has been pursued deeply the scholar holds.The foreign language studies the market profit neutral to be huge, each kind of study tool needs the brand-new promotion, thus promotes the market area to separate. But the present majority foreign language audiovisual education class product expense group localization is fuzzy, causes to occupy the student total 67% 140,000,000 elementary student appropriate foreign language audiovisual education class product not to be possible to supply the use, the market blank to have the formidable demand surely. DND “a spot passes” is “the Chinese first section of multi-purpose foreign language study pen”, mainly locates the goal crowd in the elementary and middle school students market, simultaneously can satisfy the high-school student and other social crowd studies the foreign language the need. DND “a spot will pass” will certainly to outshine others in the education science and technology numerical code produce market, eagerly anticipates the market sale raging tide. DND品牌缩写释读 DND brand abbreviation exegesis D—对象相关联的光学辨认属性类型印刷编辑工具(Optical Identify OID)。N—快速辨认闪存系统(Nand flash)D—索引文件档案(Document)DND中文拼音字头寓意:点(Dian)能(Neng)达(Da)==?DND 点能达 The D- object is connected optics identification attribute type printing edition tool (Optical Identify OID). The N- fast identification dodges saves the system (Nand flash) the D- index file fil


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