
Pascal语言 高精度计算资料.doc

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Pascal语言 高精度计算资料

高精度计算 2.1 高精度加法 2.2 高精度减法 2.3 高精度乘法 2.4 高精度除法 2.1高精度加法 高精度加法程序如下: program HighPrecision1_Plus; const fn_inp=hp1.inp; fn_out=hp1.out; maxlen=100; { max length of the number } type hp=record len:integer; { length of the number } s:array[1..maxlen] of integer { s[1] is the lowest position s[len] is the highest position } end; var x:array[1..2] of hp; y:hp; { x:input ; y:output } procedure PrintHP(const p:hp); var i:integer; begin for i:=p.len downto 1 do write(p.s[i]); end; procedure init; var st:string; j,i:integer; begin assign(input,fn_inp); reset(input); for j:=1 to 2 do begin readln(st); x[j].len:=length(st); for i:=1 to x[j].len do { change string to HP } x[j].s[i]:=ord(st[x[j].len+1-i])-ord(0); end; close(input); end; procedure Plus(a,b:hp;var c:hp); { c:=a+b } var i,len:integer; begin fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0); if a.lenb.len then len:=a.len { get the bigger length of a,b } else len:=b.len; for i:=1 to len do { plus from low to high } begin inc(c.s[i],a.s[i]+b.s[i]); if c.s[i]=10 then begin dec(c.s[i],10); inc(c.s[i+1]); { add 1 to a higher position } end; end; if c.s[len+1]0 then inc(len); c.len:=len; end; procedure main; begin Plus(x[1],x[2],y); end; procedure out; begin assign(output,fn_out); rewrite(output); PrintHP(y); writeln; close(output); end; begin init; main; out; end. 2. 2 高精度减法 高精度减法程序如下: program HighPrecision2_Subtract; const fn_inp=hp2.inp; fn_out=hp2.out; maxlen=100; { max length of the number } type hp=record len:integer; { length of the number } s:array[1..maxlen] of integer { s[1] is the lowest position s[len] is the highest position } end; var x:array[1..2] of hp; y:hp; { x:input ; y:


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