
Semester 2 Meeting 6.ppt

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Semester 2 Meeting 6

Semester 2: Meeting 6 Speeking to Inform Before You Begin a. Read the speech samples and watch the videos for meeting 6 and answer the questions in warm-up. b. Read the PowerPoint for meeting 6 and try to understand the skills. Contents Warm-up (10 mins.) Skills (8mins.) Activity (31 mins) Assignment (1min.) Warm-up Game: Who is the undercover spy? 1. Select 4-6 students to stand on the platform and face the other students. 2. The teacher show every player a word. The spys word are different from others. Everytime let the audience know the word but not other players.(e.g. eyelash or beard) 3. The players begin to describe the word with one simple word or sentence. The description should not contain the word , should not very obvious, should similiar with others. Because if you are spy its easy to recognizewhen your description are so clear. 4. After their one by one descriptions, the players point out the spy at the same time. If the spy get more tickets, he is the loser. If not, the more tickets player should be sent off, other players continue. If there are 2 or 3 players left, the spy wins. Skills Skills DONT OVERESTIMATE WHAT THE AUDIENCE KNOWS As many speakers have discovered, it is easy to overestimate the audiences stock of information. In most informative speeches, your listeners will be only vaguely knowledgeable (at best) about the details of your topic. You cannot assume that they will know what you mean. Rather, you must lead them step by step, without any shortcuts. Be sure to define every special term, clarify every idea, illustrate every concept. DONT BE TOO TECHNICAL What docs it mean to say an informative speech is too technical? It may mean the subject matter is too specialized for the audience. Any subject can be popularized—but only up to a point. The important thing for a speaker to know is what can be explained to an audience of nonspecialists and what cannot. PERSONALIZE YOUR IDEAS Listeners want to be entertained as they are


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