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单片机课程设计论文 题目: 控制P1口的8只LED灯每0.5秒闪亮一次 系 部 电子信息工程学院 专 业 通信工程 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 程 亮 亮 2015年6月25日 摘要 现当今,单片机的应用无处不在。利用单片机控制灯具的实例也不胜枚举,可控制灯具的芯片也相当之多,而利用单片机控制灯具,达到人们预想效果的方法最为广泛。它有功能多、价格优、外部电路简单的特点,深受单片机爱好者及灯具控制制造商的青昧,用80C51?单片机及少数外部电路控制LED灯光,使LED灯产生明暗效果,并在灯光达到最亮与最暗时伴随响亮的告警音。通过硬件电路的制作以及软件程序的编制,使灯光的亮度与告警音配合得当。? LED又称为发光二极管,是一种新型光源,具有高效节能、绿色环保、使用寿命长等其他光源无法比拟的优点。作为绿色照明光源产品,国家绿色照明推广使用的产品,代表着未来照明技术的发展方向。本文介绍了以STC89C52为控制核心,利用PWM调光技术,通过调整PWM的周期、PWM的占空比从而控制电流,进而达到对LED进行光度亮暗的控制调节的效果,实现对LED灯的PWM调光控制。? 关键词:单片机;LED灯;软件程序 Abstract Nowadays, the application of single chip microcomputer. SCM is used to control the lamps and lanterns of examples are numerous, control the lamps and lanterns of chip is quite much, and using single chip computer control lamps and lanterns, achieve expected effect of the method is the most widely used. It has multi functions, excellent prices, the characteristics of the external circuit is simple, by the Qing Mei single-chip lovers and lamp control manufacturers, with 80C51 microcontroller and a few external circuit to control the LED light, LED lamp has the effect of light and shade, and the light to the brightest and darkest with loud alarm sound. Through the production of the hardware circuit and software program, the brightness of the lighting and sound alarm. LED is also known as light-emitting diode, is a new type of light source, with high efficiency, energy saving, environmental protection, long service life and other light source can not match the advantages. As a green light source products, national green lighting to promote the use of products, representing the development direction of future lighting technology. STC89C52 as control core, using PWM dimming technology, by adjusting the PWM cycle, PWM accounted for empty than to control electric current, thus achieving the photometric light and dark contr


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