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餐桌上英语情景对话 AHello, this is 座机电话号码.? 你好,这里是座机电话号码。 BHello, this is John. I wanna speak to Linda, please. 你好,我是约翰。我想和琳达说话。 AThis is Linda.? 我就是琳达。 BHi, Linda. I want to invite you to a dinner tomorrow evening. 琳达,你好。我想明晚请你吃饭。 AReally? What time and which restaurant?? 真的吗?什么时间什么餐厅? BAt seven thirty pm, Longding Chinese restaurant.And Ill go to your home and pick you up at 7. 明晚七点半在Langjing中餐馆,我七点钟到你家接你。 AOk, Ill wait for you at 7pm at home. Anything else?? 行。我七点钟在家里等你。还有其它事吗? BNo, have a nice day! 没有了,祝你有愉快的一天。 AThank you. Bye.? 谢谢你。拜拜。 BSee you. 拜拜。 AWould you like to order now,madam?? 女士,想好要吃什么了吗? BYes,please.Id like the steak and mushrooms. 是的,请给我来一份牛排和蘑菇。 AHow would you like your steak,rare,mediam,or well-done?? 牛排要三分熟,五分熟还是全熟? BId like it well done ,please. 我要全熟的。 AWhat kind of potatoes would like to go with that,mushed,boiled,or baked?? 配的土豆要土豆泥,煮的还是烤的? BI think i have bake potatoes.And i now have a ice tea with lemon on the side,please. 要烤土豆。我还要一杯配一片柠檬的冰茶。 AGood,and would you care for soup or salad to start with?? 好的,头盘要汤还是沙拉? BId like cream onion soup please. 请来一份奶油洋葱汤。 AWill you have desert to be ,madam?? 要甜点吗,女士? BI want to skip desert.That all,thank you. 不要甜点了。就这些,谢谢。 AOK,Ill be with you in a moment.? 好的,稍等片刻。 AEvening, table for three, please.? 晚安,三位,谢谢。 BDo you have reservations? 好的,请问您有订位吗? AYes, I do. I have made reservations under the name of Wang.? 有,用王先生的名义订的。 BVery Wang sir, smoking or no smoking? 好的,吸烟吗? ANo smoking, please. Could we have table by the window?? 不吸烟,谢谢. 有靠窗的桌位吗? BOf course, this way please. 有的,这边请。 AAre you ready to order or delaying a little more time?? 可以点菜了吗,还是要等一会? BYes, Im ready, I like a bowl of chicken soup, please. 可以点餐了,请给我鸡汤。 AWhat would you like for main course?? 主餐要什么? BI like a salad steak. 我要一份色拉牛排。 ACertainly, how would you like steak done?? 好的,牛排要几分熟? BRare, please. 生一点, 谢谢。 AAnything to drink?? 要来点饮料吗? BOh, I will have a glass of house red. Thanks. 一杯本地红酒, 谢谢。 AWould you like anything else?? 还需要什么吗? BNo, theres all f


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