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彝区9,3教师工作总结 四川核工业技师学院 论四川省彝区“9+3”学生教育教学管理 四川核工业技师学院 魏世龙 摘要:彝区“9+3” 免费教育计划是我省一项重要的教育惠民工程,是民族地区教育扶贫的重要内容,是省委省政府的重要决策部署,是推进彝区跨越发展、实现富民安康的重要举措。我校按照上级主管部门文件精神和要求,“实行分散安排、正面引导、定时定人帮扶”管理制,秉承“以人为本,脚踏实地,重修养、创特色、求实效”的工作理念,坚持“管理育人、教育育人、服务育人”的宗旨,积极推进彝区“9+3”学生管理工作的“规范化”、“精细化”和“制度化”,以尊重、关爱为重点,培养彝区学生和内地学生情感,让彝区“9+3”学生尽快适应学习、生活环境。下面我将针对我校彝区“9+3”学生的现状谈谈对他们的教育管理经验: Abstract: Yi 9 + 3 free education plan is in our province an important education Huimin engineering, is an important content of education in ethnic areas of poverty alleviation, is an important decision of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government plan, is to promote the Yi area across the development, an important measure to achieve healthy and eiching. Our school according to the superior departments in charge of the spirit of the document and requirements, decentralized arrangement, positive guidance, timing and helping people management system, adhering to the people-oriented, down-to-earth, rebuilt, creating characteristics, seek practical results philosophy, adhere to the management education, education and service to educate the purpose of, and actively promote the management of students in the 9 + 3 Yi standardization, fine and institutionalized , on the school management system, to respect, caring for the key, culture of Yi students and mainland students emotion, let the Yi area 9 + 3 as soon as possible to adapt to the learning and living environment. Below I will talk about my school according to the present situation of Yi region 9+3 students for their education and management experience: 1 关键词:彝区学生 教育教学 管理 Keywords: management of student education in Yi region 2014年,四川省委、省政府为了促进彝区发展,帮助彝区老百姓脱贫致富、过上幸福生活,实行“9+3彝区免费教育计划”,彝区“9+3”免费教育计划是一项民生、民心工程,是四川省探索少数民族地区教育事业发展的一个创举。从2011年开始我校招收彝区学生已近千人,对彝区学生的管理我们一直都在探索与总结,有收获更有付出,有亮点更有迷茫。现对我们前期的工作进行梳理,其目的是让我们在以后的彝区“9+3”学生管理工作中做的更好。 一、 彝区“9+3”学生教育教学管理的总体指导思想 一是坚持高度重视,特别关注与平常心对待,常态化管理相结合的基本思路;二是树立危机意识,统筹规划,全面提升管理;三是建立健全分级负责,齐抓共管,群策群力,协同配合的管理与工作机制;四


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