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Chapter 7. Moist Air (第7章 湿空气)  7.1 Introduction (介绍) 7.2 Properties of Moist Air (湿空气的参数) 7.3 H-d Diagram of Moist Air (湿空气的H-d 图) 7.4 Thermodynamic Process of Moist Air (湿空气的热力过程) 1.Definition of Atmospheric Air(湿空气的定义) Dry air + Water vapor (Moisture) =Atmospheric Air (含有水蒸汽的空气称为湿空气。) Air that contains no water vapor is called dry air. (完全不含水蒸汽的空气称为干空气。) 2. Characteristics of Moisture Air (湿空气的特点) Atmospheric air contains a very small amount of water vapor. The partial pressure of water vapor is very low so that water vapor in the atmospheric air is always at superheated state. Thus, water vapor can be treated as ideal gas. (湿空气中水蒸汽含量很小,分压力很低,常处于过热状态,可以当作理想气体来处理。) Atmospheric air can be treated as a binary mixture (二元混合物) of ideal gases, dry air and moisture (3)从未饱和到饱和的途径 7.2 湿空气的参数 Properties of Moist Air The partial pressure of water vapor is also called vapor pressure. 2.干球温度 (Dry-bulb temperature) It is the temperature of moist air. The dry-bulb temperature of water vapor and dry air is the same. It is denoted as ‘t’. 3.露点温度(Dew-point Temperature) It is defined as the temperature at which condensation begins when the air is cooled at constant pressure. In other words, it is the saturation temperature of water corresponding to the vapor pressure. 结露:A点表示未饱和湿空气中水蒸汽的状态,若保持空气中水蒸汽的含量(pv)不变,降低温度,使之达到pv对应的饱和温度ts,则湿空气成为饱和湿空气,为点B。若继续降温,水分析出,称为结露。 露点:B点所对应的pv下的饱和温度成为露点,用td表示。 The lower the value of φ, the more water vapor it can absorb, and the drier it is. (φ越小,空气吸湿的能力越强,越干燥。) The higher the value of φ, the less water vapor it can absorb, and the nearer it approaches saturated moist air. (Φ越大,空气吸湿的能力越弱,越潮湿。) 5.湿空气的含湿量(Humidity ratio) The mass of water vapor present in a unit mass of dry air is called humidity Ratio. 含湿量d:以干空气为基准,包含1千克干空气的湿空气中中所含有的水蒸汽的质量。 D is the ratio of the air humidity ratio d to the humidity ra


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