How to memorize words.ppt

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How to memorize words

Memory game Memory game Group work: Discuss the methods you have used to remember these words. Alphabet Grouping Contrast: frustration/refreshing Recombination Recombination Imagery Imagery 3. Mental picture of the situation in which the word might be used Location How to memorize words (1) 背口诀 一对情侣太remiss(粗心的) 老板刚刚去piss(小便) 办公室里就kiss(亲吻) 同事围过来hiss(嘘) 老板回来就dismiss(解雇) 高升机会被miss(错过) 某一天dawn(黎明) 在河边lawn(草坪) * 来几只prawn(对虾) * 在那里spawn(产卵) * 累了正yawn(呵欠) * 被人捉去pawn(典当出去) tool 工具——loot 抢劫;赃物 口诀:抢劫是需要工具的。 evil 邪恶的——live 居住 口诀:邪恶的人应该住在地狱 doom 厄运——mood 心情 口诀:即使厄运降临,也要保持好心情。 meet 相遇——teem 充满 口诀:老乡见老乡,两眼泪汪汪。    How to memorize words (3) 组合记忆 legislate v. 立法 〔记忆窍门〕将该词分解成 leg 、is 、late 三个字母组合, 所以legislate 可记成:为腿(leg)立法,总是(is)太迟(late). cargo n. 船货,货物 〔记忆窍门〕 将该词分解成 car 、go 两个字母组合,所以cargo 可记成:卸下的船货,汽车(car)已拉走(go) Active reading 1: Embarkation Are you smart at memory? Look at the following words for 30 seconds and see how many words you can remember. Writing is not allowed. algebra suspicion bombard manacles overgrown frustration chilly refreshing astronomy More Active reading 1: Embarkation Alphabet Word-formation Recombination Homonym Imagery Translation Location Stem: recall, bombard Prefix: overwhelm recall Suffix: chilly, refreshing bombard: bomb 炸弹爆炸声“嘣!” chilly: chi (吃) 吃了两根冰棍,冷得发抖 Grouping chilly: 感觉冷的 frustration: 受挫,沮丧 click click click click click click click click Algebra, Astronomy Bombard Chilly Frustration Manacle Overwhelm Recall, Refreshing Alphabet Back Active reading 1: Embarkation Grouping Attributes Meaning Subject: algebra/astronomy n.: algebra, astronomy, frustration, manacle v.: bombard, overwhelm, recall adj.: chilly, refreshing Parts of speech Back Active reading 1: Embarkation Recombination Construct a sentence by combining “chilly, manacle, frustration”. King’s speech I Have A Dream reminds me of the frustration of those American slaves, crippled by the manac


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