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九年级英语考前辅导 2011.6.8 一 1.answer v. answer my question reply to my question / solve the problem n. the answer to my question 2. age at the age of at +年龄 many teenagers of my age / people of all ages At the age of ten, he invented a great invention. Since the age of six, he has learned two English songs. 3. active/ inactive/actor/actress/actively/inactively/activity/action acting skills/acting years 4. angry angrier adv.angrily more angrily look angry/look angrily at sb be angry with sb 5. almost /mostly/most hard/hardly nearly The members are mostly from China. 6. afford to do sth/afford sth 7. against 介词,不能做动词 do sth against the law /play against the team He sat against the tree. 他靠着树坐 8. break have a break 休息 break into 有被动 break down 无被动 be broken 9. busy business 可数 工厂,企业/不可数 生意,商务 do business be busy with sth/be busy doing sth 10. behaviour I’m worried about his strange behaviour. 11. close 动词 closed 形容词 closely 副词 be close to sit/live close to keep your eyes closed /work closely with/close friends 12. cross 动词 crossing 名词 across 介词 Walk/swim across 13. marry/marriage be/get married to sb 14. carry on with/doing sth go on with/doing sth continue to do sth 15. crowded more crowded be crowded with be full of / be filled with 16. danger 名词 dangerous 形容词 in danger/out of danger endangered 17. drive drove driven 驾驶 dive 潜水 drive sb mad madder maddest drive sb to sp 18. a dishonest an honest 19. develop developing/developed development /with the development of 20. decide to do sth/ make a decision to do sth 21. dry dried food drier driest 22. doubt never doubt that……./doubt if/whether/wh- 23. discuss discussion have a lively discussion about 24. discover/find/find out 25.deal dealt dealt how to deal with/what to do with 26. die /dead /death /dying be found dead He_____for several years. has been dead 27. courage encourage sb to do sth / be encouraged to


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