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Who knows this is the episode which film? Who have seen the film? Who can briefly introduce the movie? 电影简介 三傻大闹宝莱坞是由拉库马·希拉尼导演、由阿米尔·汗,卡琳娜·卡普,马德哈万等主演的喜剧片,是根据印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特的处女作小说《五点人》改编而成。主要讲述了法尔汗(马德哈万 R Madhavan 饰)、拉杜(沙曼·乔希 Sharman Joshi 饰)与兰彻(阿米尔·汗 Aamir Khan 饰)是皇家工程学院的学生,三人共居一室,结为好友。在以严格著称的学院里,兰彻是个非常与众不同的学生,他不死记硬背,甚至还公然顶撞校长“病毒”(波曼·伊拉尼 Boman Irani 饰),质疑他的教学方法的故事。? The movie introduction Three silly make bollywood is by rajkumar sheilas director, by amir khan, karina, karp, Ma Deha comedy starring, such as, according to Indias bestselling author chetan, harts debut novel \the five people\. Mainly tells the story of the flange (Ma Deha R Madhavan act the role ofing), radu (Sharman Joshi Sharman Joshi) with Lanche (amir Khan Aamir Khan) is at the royal college of engineering students, the mold room, three people make friends. In the school is famous for its strict, Lanche is a very different student, he is not rote learning, and even openly against the principal \virus\ (berman Irani Boman Irani), questioned his teaching method. ? 剧情简介 三傻大闹宝莱坞的故事以两个好朋友寻找多年不见的好兄弟兰彻的过程中展开的回忆:讲述五年前兰彻顶替他人来到皇家工程学院读书。这是一所印度传统的名校,这里的检验学生的唯一标准就只有第一(指成绩)!成绩不好就意味着没有未来!而兰彻却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、幽默和智慧影响着周围的人。他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧征服了印度科学界,他实现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己——法撒克 望杜。 “三人帮 ”中兰彻和莱俱梦想成为工程师,法汉却想成为野生动物摄影家。影片中随时穿插着幽默的语言,行为。他们把教授称为“病毒”。    synopsis Three silly make bollywood story to two good friends for many years not see good brothers LanChe expanded memory: in the process of about five years ago LanChe to fill someone else came to the Royal Academy of engineering study. This is one of India‘s traditional universities, the sole criterion for testing the students here is only the first (score)! Bad grades means no future! And LanChe don’t drift, he USES his kind, cheerful, humor and wisdom affects the people around you. He studied physics knowledge to teach senior to savage, he by his wisdom broke the traditional college rut. Finally he by his wisdom to conque


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