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Question 1 Ten year survival after the onset of heart failure: 80-90% 60-79% 40-59% 20-39% Under 20% Prognosis in Heart Failure Men over 45 years of Age Prognosis in Heart Failure Women over 45 years of Age Question 2 Potential underlying causes of heart failure include: Coronary artery disease Hemochromatosis Mitral regurgitation Ventricular septal defect all of the above Heart Failure The Final Common Pathway ischemic disease valvular disease cardiomyopathy pericardial disease hypertension congenital Question 3 The pathophysiology of heart failure can best be described as: a failure of protective mechanisms activation of harmful pathways introduction of pathogenic influences inappropriate activation of normal mechanisms all of the above Physiologic Response to Heart Failure Question 4 Physiologic effects of Angiotensin II include: vasoconstriction activation of thirst sodium retention aldosterone release all of the above Renin-Angiotensin System Question 5 The following is a feature of the heart failure state: reduced circulating catecholamines increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure reduced plasma volume increased renal sodium excretion reduced pulmonary capillary wedge pressure Compensatory Mechanisms in Heart Failure increased preload increased sympathetic tone increased circulating catecholamines increased Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone increased vasopressin increased atrial natriuretic factor Question 6 Patients with early heart failure typically present with: No symptoms Dyspnea on exertion only Dyspnea with minimal activity Dyspnea at rest Acute respiratory distress Heart Failure Clinical Manifestations Symptoms dyspnea fatigue exertional limitation weight gain poor appetite cough Signs tachycardia, tachypnea edema jugular venous distension pulmonary rales pleural effusion hepato/splenomegaly ascites cardiomegaly S3 gallop Dyspnea Clinical Presentations exertional shortness of breath cough orthopnea paroxyxmal nocturnal dyspn


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