消化系统疾病 总论幻灯片.pptVIP

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食管胃底静脉曲张的硬化治疗 胃肠病学是一门发展的学科(八) 消化科与其他学科的关联性正在不断加强、学科间的界限正在模糊、淡化 -介入治疗 -GIST的新辅助治疗(内-外-内) 伊马替尼治疗GIST: 肝转移病变的迅速缓解 Courtesy of Dr. G.D. Demetri and Dr. A.D. Van den Abbeele. 伊马替尼治疗4周后 CT 18FDG-PET 伊马替尼治疗前 GIST: 18FDG-PET 检查评估 伊马替尼的疗效 治疗前 18FDG-PET 检查比CT更早地观测到肿瘤对格列卫治疗的反应。 Courtesy of Dr. A.D. Van den Abbeele. 大肠息肉圈套器摘除术 胃癌 ERCP 技术 胃肠病学是一门在发展中的古老学科 学好基本知识、关于并紧跟学科发展 谢 谢 * * * * * * * * * 84. PPIs control acid secretion by directly inhibiting the proton pump The efficacy of PPIs in managing GERD is a result of their inhibitory action on the proton pump, the H+, K+-ATPase of the gastric parietal cell. The activated proton pump catalyses the final step in gastric acid secretion – the exchange of H+ ions (protons) in the cytoplasm of the parietal cell with K+ ions in the canalicular space. Inhibition of this exchange prevents the accumulation of acid, in the form of H+ ions, in the canalicular space, and thus prevents the secretion of this acid into the lumen of the stomach. Due to the action of the proton pump under normal physiological conditions, the canalicular space of the parietal cell is extremely acidic; indeed, it is the most acidic compartment in the body. This low pH is critical in the activation of PPIs. PPIs are inactive when absorbed into the parietal cell, and undergo activation by means of a change in their chemical composition only within the uniquely acidic environment of the canalicular space. This activation process confers a high degree of specificity upon PPIs. * * * * * 18FDG-PET可以更为迅速地检测到伊马替尼的缓解作用; 虽然4周治疗后实体肿瘤仍然存在,但是18FDG-PET检查显示肿瘤为“冷区”。 * 18FDG-PET 可以提供对GIST缓解情况的快速、双向的评价结果; 来自PET的代谢信息,可以作为CT检查的补充; B2222临床试验中应用SWOG标准判断的中位缓解开始时间是12周,而PET能够可靠地观测到在治疗开始后更短时间内的缓解情况; 并且,CT不明确的检查结果,如无肿瘤缩小,能够应用PET清晰地判断缓解情况。 消化系统疾病 总论 上海交通大学附属瑞金医院 消化系统 消化系统的基本生理功能 完成能量的转换(消化、吸收) 作为机体与外界能量、物质交换的核心场所 参与部分免疫和激素调节 消化系统疾病的分类 按部位分类:食管、胃、十二指肠、小肠、大肠、肝、胆、胰腺、其他 按疾病的性质分类:炎症、肿瘤、畸形、血管、感染等 胃肠病学是一门发展的学科(一) 随着技术和社会的发展,临床的诊治模式发生了革命性的变化 -不再按部就班:分析、讨论、排除… -检查的顺序更直截了当 -诊


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