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血管平滑肌瘤 Angiomyoma of the uterus: case report and review of literature Aby K. Koshy, Latha Chaturvedula, Syed Habeebullah and Debdatta Basu Abstract Angiomyomas of the uterus are uncommon tumors that apparently arise from the smooth muscles of blood vessels. We describe here an unusually large angiomyoma of the uterus in a 45-year-old woman who presented with an abdominal lump. An exploratory laparotomy was followed by a pan-hysterectomy. The dissected section of the uterus showed a huge fleshy mass measuring 20 cm with areas of hemorrhage. Histopathological examination showed many dilated vascular spaces amidst smooth muscle bundles, which is characteristic of cavernous angiomyoma of the uterus. Keywords Angiomyoma - Leiomyoma – Uterus Images Fulltext Preview Leiomyomas are common tumors foung in the uterus and are present in 25% women of reproductive age. Incidence rates of more than 80% have been reported in asymptomatic women evaluated by ultrasound examination. Angiomyoma of the uterus are uncommon tumors.and only a few cases have beeb reported in literature. Most cases were diagnosed after surgery. And the majority were small in size. We describe here an unusually large angiomyoma of the uterus. Case reportmonths duration. Her cyeles were regular and there was no menorthagia.没有其他症状。On examination ,there was a large mass arising from the pevis. Corresponding to 32 weeks gestation. internal examination revealed that the cervix was drawn up and the uterus could not be felt separated from the mass. Clinically an ovarian pathology could not be excluded. On rectal examination,the rectal mucosa was normal and there were no palpable nodules in the poach of Douglas. 子宫血管平滑肌瘤1 例分析 符小双 河北省滦南县医院妇产科063500 主题词: 子宫肿瘤/ 病理学; 血管肌瘤/ 诊断 中图分类号: R737. 330. 21 ?? ?? ?? ?? 文献标识码: B?? ?? ?? ?? 文章编号: 1009??6647( 2011) 09??2239??01 ?? ?? 对子宫血管平滑肌瘤1 例分析如下。 1 ?? 病历摘要 女, 51 岁。因痛经10 a, 发现盆腔肿物1 个月于2008??06?? 19 入院。入院后妇科检查: 宫颈肥大, 光滑, 子宫增大


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