毕业(设计)论文_带短路支节的高隔离度分支线定向耦合器设计研究 精品.doc

毕业(设计)论文_带短路支节的高隔离度分支线定向耦合器设计研究 精品.doc

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毕业(设计)论文_带短路支节的高隔离度分支线定向耦合器设计研究 精品.doc

单位代码: 10293 密 级: 硕 士 学 位 论 文 论文题目:带短路支节的高隔离度分支线定向耦合器设计研究 电磁场与微波技术 移动通信与射频技术 工学硕士 二零一五年三月 摘要 定向耦合器是一种常用微波无源元件,在无线系统的射频前端中有着广泛的应用。特别在收发同频的无线系统中定向耦合器常常被用作隔离收发信号的一种关键部件。但是传统的定向耦合器隔离度偏低且工作带宽较窄,无法满足系统的要求。本文以分支线定向耦合器为研究对象,主要围绕如何提高其隔离度和增加工作带宽来进行深入研究。论文的主要工作和创新点包括: (1)根据功率相消原理在其耦合端口增加一条微带短路支节,设计出一款3dB带短路支节双分支线定向耦合器。这种方法结构简单,易于实现,且能够大幅提高耦合器隔离度。 (2)完成了一款实验样品的加工、测量工作,验证了短路支节线用于提高双分支线定向耦合器隔离度的效果,以及工作带宽提高不明显的缺点。 (3)在双分支线定向耦合器基础上,总结出一种有效提高其工作带宽的方法:增加耦合路径,并设计出一款3dB三分支线定向耦合器,该耦合器能够大幅拓宽工作带宽。在3dB带短路支节双分支线定向耦合器的基础上设计出一款3dB带短路支节三分支线定向耦合器,该款改进型定向耦合器在很大程度上拓宽了工作带宽,且提高了隔离度。 关键词: 定向耦合器,隔离度,短路支节,工作带宽 Abstract Reader is an important part of the RFID system, and the reader send and receive isolation is one of the key performance of RFID system. At present, the most common methods to improve the reader transceiver isolation degree is to add directional coupler in front of the reader antenna feed network.The traditional directional coupler isolation and working bandwidth is narrow,and can not meet the requirements if the RFID system. In this paper,we focus on the branch line of directional coupler and research on how to improve the isolation and increase bandwidth. The main work and innovation of this paper include: We use method of old-even mode to analyze the double branch line directional coupler,and use the HFSS simulation software to model and simulation,find the directional has a low degree isolation shortcoming. In order to increase isolation of the directional coupler,according to the theory of destructive power we increase a short branch section in the port, and design a 3dB dual-branch directional coupler with a short branch section.This method is simple in structure, easy to implement, and can greatly improve the coupler isolation. (2) We process the 3dB dual-branch directio



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