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【例2】 介绍地点): 地点:上海 地理位置:位于中国东部,是中国最大的城市 Shanghai, ________________________, is located in the east of China. 【例3】(介绍书名):(2011) 书名:Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother 作者:Amy Chua,美籍华人,耶鲁大学教授 中文版: 2011年初开始在中国销售 A book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, an American-Chinese, has been sold in China since the beginning of 2011. 练习:运用同位语翻译合并句子 1. 李敏是个女孩子,今年18岁,她在光华中学学习,她是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。 Li Min, a girl of 18, _________________________________, is studying in Guanghua Middle School. 练习:运用同位语完成句子 2. 离2010年还有一个月时间,但《孤星指南》(the Lonely Planet)等不及宣布来年十大旅游城市排行榜,《孤星指南》是世界最畅销旅游指南 travel guides 杂志之一。 There is still more than one month to go before 2012. But the Lonely Planet, _________________________________ _______, can’t wait to announce its top 10 cities to travel to in the coming year. 练习:运用同位语翻译合并句子 3. 姓名:Steve Jobs 别名:苹果教父(godfather) 出生地:美国加州三藩市 出生日期:1955年2月24日 逝世日期:2011年10月5日 Steve Jobs, __________________, was born in San Francisco, California, the USA on February 24th, 1955 and passed away on October 5th, 2011. 4.【原句】 1 Zhong Nanshan was born in Guangzhou in 1941. 2 Zhong Nanshan is one of the greatest doctors in China 【合并】 Zhong Nanshan, ____________________ ________, was born in Guangzhou in 1941. 5.【原句】 1 Zhang Hai is male. 2 He is 23 years old. 3 He graduated from Hunan Normal University 师范大学 last year. 【合并】 Zhang Hai, ___________________, graduated from Hunan Normal University last year. 二、运用短语 介词短语 形容词短语 非谓语动词短语:现在分词 过去分词 不定式短语 练习:运用介词短语合并句子 1.【原句】 1 I was surprise. 2 Everything went on very well. 【合并】____________, everything went on well. 2.【原句】 1 Waste water is making the river worse and worse. 2 The waste water is from a factory. 【合并】Waste water ______________ is making the river worse and worse. 3.【原句】 1 Xiaxi Town is not big but beautiful. 2 It has an area of about 8 square kilometers. 【合并】 Xiaxi Town, _____________________ ____________________, is not big but beautiful. 4. 【原句】 1 We started early. 2 We wanted to enjoy


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