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Blood specimen preparation Glucose analysis Liver function test Neutral sugar and sialic acid determination (由吳明道教授講解) Blood sample collection Blood glucose determination The typical human adult uses 160 g of glucose per day, with 120 g being used by the brain. The available reserve of glucose is adequate for about one day (about 20 g of circulating glucose and 190 g of glycogen). After the reserve becomes depleted, how would a starved body obtain more glucose? In animals, many precursors lead to the synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis). In humans, the principal precursors are glycerol from triacylglycerols and glucogenic amino acids from proteins. Blood glucose determination Glucose oxidase 血糖的正常值 正常人空腹時的血糖值為 70-110 mg/dl Liver function test GOT and GPT determination Transaminase: GOT(AST), GPT(ALT) Having the function of transferring amino group of amino acids from alpha-amino acids to alpha-keto acids, therefore, named transaminase. GOT (Glutamyl oxaloacetic transaminase, Aspartate aminotransferase, AST) L-Aspartic Acid + Ketoglutaric Acid → Oxaloacetate + L-Glutamate GPT (Glutamyl pyruvic transaminase, Alanine aminotransferase, ALT) L-Alanine + Ketoglutaric acid→ Pyruvate + Glutamate Transaminase: GOT(AST), GPT(ALT) One of the thousands kinds of liver enzymes, and a kind of transferase. Storage mostly in liver etc. Low serum concentration. Large amount of transaminase is released into blood mostly on liver cell damages. -Thus, detection of serum level tells the existence of liver cell damage. Concentration in organs and tissues (Karmen unit/1 gm wet weight) Malate aspartate shuttle METHOD PRINCIPLE In this method ALT catalyzes the reaction of L-alanine and ?- ketoglutaric acid to form pyruvate and glutamate under controlled conditions (37 ?C) and pH 7.4 + 0.05. The addition of acidic 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine stops the reaction and forms the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone. So that it may be measured at 505 + 5 nm. Thank yo



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