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Plot introduction(剧情介绍) 磨粉匠临终前给他的三个儿子分别留下了自己仅有的财产,而小儿子只分得了一只叫布斯的猫,传说这只猫非常聪明,并有一双有“法力”的靴子,小儿子很善良,暗恋公主已久,由于国王和王后也是个唯利是图的人,根本不可能把公主嫁给出身贫寒的他,为此小儿子始终被两个哥哥嘲笑。一日,公主假面出游,在一小酒馆内唱歌时与小儿子相遇,两人也互生好感,布斯不忍心善良的主人错过自己的爱情,设计把小儿子包装成了伯爵,来接近国王。但是爱情的路上困难重重,期间又有食人恶魔和巫师的设计陷害,但小儿子最终凭借自己的诚实、善良,以及神猫布斯的魔力,赢得了公主。而神猫布斯也成为了新的勇士。 * * ——中医一班 王微微 201135750119 Puss in Boots First look at the characters introduced in pictures Buss or Puss in Boots small son or Marquis of Carabas Princess The queen and King Bad butler Wizard Next, let me introduce the plot. The last mill to his three sons were left his few possessions , And small son only got a cat named Buss , Legend of the cat is very clever, and has a pair of mana boots . Little son is very good, like the princess for a long time, due to the king and the queen also seek nothing but profits, Impossible to put the princess to marry poor him, for this little boy is always two brother laughed at. Plot introduction (剧情介绍) One day, the princess mask travel, singing in a pub with little son meet, two people also alternate goodwill, booth to good master miss his love, design packaging into his little son earl, to approach the king. But on the way of love is beset with difficulties, and the demons and wizards during the frame, but the young son finally by virtue of his honest, kind, as well as the cat God, magic, won the princess.And God cat Buss has also become the new warriors. Finally, I give you to find another version of the movie, can say a superficial reform! Veritable histoire du Chat Botte, La ——《穿靴子的猫》 There is an old miller. He has three sons. He is very sick. So he is going to die soon. The miller calls his three sons. I have a mill, a donkey and a cat, he says. I give the mill to you, he says to the oldest son. I give the donkey to you, he says to the second son. I give the cat to you, he says to the youngest son. Oh no, only a cat! sighs the youngest son. 有一个老磨坊主。 他有三个儿子。 他病件


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