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  国际贸易术语解释通则的由来   1-1 课文:In order to provide a set of uniform rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade, ICC first published in 1936 a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms known as “Incoterms 2000”.   核心句:to provide a set of rules for the interpretation of trade terms in foreign trade, ICC published international rules...   注释:   In order to: 为了...   Commonly: 一般的,通常的,普遍的 = generally, usually   Interpretation : 解释,说明   Trade terms: 贸易术语 (另外:比如 trade practices 贸易惯例 trade contract 贸易合同 等)   ICC:全称:International Chamber of Commerce.国际商会。   Incoterms: 全称:International Commercial Terms 国际贸易术语解释通则   Be known as: 统称为...,以...着称   这句话大致的意思是:为了给国际贸易中普遍使用的贸易术语提供一套解释的统一规则,国际商会与1936年发布了一套用于诠释这些贸易术语的国际规则,统称为“国际贸易术语解释通则2000”。   1-2 课文:Later amendments and additions were made to it to bring the rules in line with current international trade practices.   注释:   Later : 稍候,随后 (另外latest: 最近的,最新的)   Amendment: 修改,修正(尤指对规则,法律,声明等条款的修正,修订,修改)   Addition: 增加物(在这里是指添加的条款和内容)   In line with: 与...一致,与...相同 (相反的是:out of line with)   Current: 现今的,当代的,时下的   Trade practices: 国际贸易惯例,国际贸易实践   这句话大致意思是:以后又对此通则作了修改和补充,以便使这些规则适应当前国际贸易实践的发展。   1-3 The latest edition is “Incoterms 2000”, which includes 13 different international trade terms. Each term specifies whether the buyer or the seller is responsible for arranging such necessities as export license, customs clearance, inspections, and other obligations.   注释:   Edition: ( 书籍,书刊等的)版本,版次。   Specify: 具体说明,详细说明,规定(名词:specification: 说明书)   Whether...or...: 是...还是...   Be responsible for: 负责...,承担...责任   Necessity: 必须,需要(在这里是指“必须要做的事”)   Export license: 出口许可证   Inspection: 检验 (商品检验:commodity inspection)   Obligation: 职责,义务   后一句话我们可以换成这样一句来理解:   Each term specifies the traders must bear each relevant responsibility and obligation.即贸易商必须承担(bear)各自相关的责任和义务。   这段话大致的意思是:最新的版本是“国际贸易术语解释通则2000”,它包含了13个不同的国际贸易术语。每一个贸易术语都明确规定由谁来办理出口许可证,出口清关,商品检验及其他义务。   1-4 They specify at which point the


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