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克林顿与陆军元帅坦塔维会谈了一小时,所传达的信息与周六她与总 鍏嬫灄椤夸笌闄嗗啗鍏冨竻鍧﹀缁翠細璋堜簡涓€灏忔椂锛屾墍浼犺揪鐨勪俊鎭笌鍛ㄥ叚濂逛笌鎬荤粺绌嗗皵瑗夸細璋堢殑鍐呭涓€鏍凤紝缇庡浗鏀寔骞堕紦鍔卞悜姘戜富骞崇ǔ杩囨浮銆傞殢鍚庡厠鏋楅】涓庡熀鐫f暀棰嗚鍜屽コ鎬т細闈紝濂规暒淇冨皧閲嶆墍鏈夊焹鍙婁汉鐨勬潈鍒╋紝鍦ㄥ浠婁竴浜涘焹鍙婁汉绱у紶鍦扮洴鐫€绌嗘柉鏋楀厔寮熺粍缁囩殑鍓╀綑鏉冨姏涔嬫椂锛岃繖鏄釜鏁忔劅鐨勮瘽棰樸€傛渶鍚庯紝鍏嬫灄椤胯闂簹鍘嗗北澶ф腐锛屽噯澶囧湪閭i噷寤虹珛缇庡浗鏂颁娇棣嗭紝鍥藉姟鍗垮己璋冿紝濂硅繕娌℃湁纭畾璧㈠鍜屽け璐ヨ€呫€? 涓嬫湀鐨勯潪鐩熷嘲浼氳浆鍒板焹濉炰縿姣斾簹涓捐锛屽師鍥犳槸涓婂懆椹媺缁存嫆缁濅富鍔炶繖娆′細璁€傞┈鎷夌淮绉帮紝涓嶅笇鏈涜嫃涓规€荤粺宸村笇灏斿弬鍔犲嘲浼氾紝鍥犱负浠栧凡琚浗闄呭垜浜嬫硶搴€氱級銆傜帥涓铰峰搱浼姤閬撱€? Theyre endorsed by the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and are used as guidelines by the UNHCR and other groups resettling the displaced. Brad Pitts performance is a tour de force. At the Cannes Film Festival, he spoke of the films spiritual message. Citizens who are upset by the super-sized houses going up in their neighborhood have four choices: move, win the lottery and build their own McMansion, get used to the monolith next door or, if its not too late, get the city council to pass a regulation to limit the size of new houses in their area. Mr Blair told investors the time is right to explore Africa. Now, Win runs a laundromat where the walls are plastered with colorful posters denouncing Burmas military junta. She says women made gains in southern Sudans legislative assembly and in the countrys 10 state assemblies. Most of the recent violence has stemmed from religious tensions and the governments conflict with the radical Islamist sect Boko Haram. President Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in 15 locations last week but violence continues, including an attack on a mosque in southern Nigeria Tuesday. CHRISTOPHER SLOBOGIN: All nine members of the court, conservative members as well as liberal members, decided that the Fourth Amendment was violated in this case. Fred Luiszer, a cave scientist at the University of Colorado in Boulder, says that even space scientists are interested in life underground. If they find life on other moons and other planets, life will probably be very simi


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