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* Look! There are a lot of _______(leaf) on the ground. The ________(woman) teachers are playing basketball. Tom is at the __________(doctor). 4. This isn’t my book, but my _______(brother). 5. There are some ____(sheep) in the field 6. She often _____ a blue skirt last year. (wear) 7. If you stay in bed, you _____ better. (feel) leaves women doctor’s brother’s sheep wore will feel Would you like ____(play) basketball with us? I have nothing _____(say) at the meeting. I always see Li Lei _____ (read) books at home. They asked us ____(come) to the party early. It’s not easy ____( plant) trees. The boy is too young _____( go ) to school. Watch them _____( do) it, and you’ll do it like them. Tell her ______( not speak) in class. He was made _____( sweep) the floor. It’s time for us _____( have) lunch. to play to say read to come to plant to go do not to speak to sweep to have 11. It took him an hour ____ (do) his homework. 12. I can’t decide which shirt ____( buy). 13. The doctor was tired. He wanted to stop _____(have) a rest. 14. Let me _____ (help) you with your maths. 15. Thank you for _____( buy) me a watch. 16. You must remember _____( close) the window when you leave. 17. You’d better _____(not look) out of the window in class. 18. I’m sorry _____(keep) you ____(wait) so long. to do to buy to have help buying to close not look to keep waiting 19. Do you like ____(fish)? 20. The girl is good at _____(draw). 21. Tom is the first _____(get) to school. 22. She looked _____(worry). What’s wrong with her? 23. We can’t decide what_____ (do) next. 24. Have you finish _____(read) the book yet? 25. I prefer_____(swim) to _____( skate). 26. I heard her _____( sing) in the next room just now. 27. I remembered _____(see) him before. 28. Parents stop children from _____(play) with fire. 29. He practised ______(speak) English. 30. Jim went to the cinema instead of _____(fly) a kite. fishing drawing to get worried to do reading swimming skating singing seeing playing speaking


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