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小型水利设施建设中农户支付行为的影响因素分析   收稿日期:2013-01-10   基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目;“十二五”农村领域国家科技计划项目(2011BAD29B01)   作者简介:王 昕(1986-),女,河北遵化人,博士生,研究方向为区域经济发展;陆 迁(1968-),男,宁夏中宁人,教授,研究方向为农业经济管理。   摘要:运用500户微观调查数据,在Heckman样本选择性偏差检验的基础上,运用两阶段模型对小型水利设施建设农户支付意愿和支付金额影响因素进行实证研究,重点考察社会资本及结构对农户小型水利设施建设支付行为的影响。结果表明:社会资本是影响农户支付意愿的重要变量,其中,社会信任、社会参与对农户支付意愿有促进作用,而社会网络具有抑制作用,社会声望与支付意愿关系不显著。此外,家庭人口、家庭收入、灌溉面积、水利设施满意度和是否偷水也对农户的支付意愿有不同影响。社会信任和社会参与对支付金额有显著正向影响,水利设施满意度与支付金额成负向关系,偷水程度对支付金额有激励作用。   关键词:小型水利设施;农户;支付行为;社会资本   中图分类号:F325.15 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-8409(2014)03-0135-05   Influencing Factors of Farmers’ Payment Behaviour   on Small Water Conservancy Facilities Construction   ——from the Perspective of Social Capital   WANG Xin, LU Qian   (Economics and Management, Northwest AF University, Yangling 712100)   Abstract: This paper uses the Heckman Model to test sample selectivity bias, and then use two stages model to find the influence factors of farmers’ willingness to pay and the amount of payment for small water conservancy facilities, based on survey data of 500 farmers in Shaanxi Province in 2011, examining the impact of social capital and its structure on the farmers’ payment behavior on small water conservancy facilities. The finding shows that social capital is an important variable to influence farmers’ willingness to pay. Social trust and social participation have positive roles in the farmers’ willingness to pay, social networks have negative effects, social reputation is not significant. In addition, family size, family income, irrigated area, satisfaction of water conservancy facilities and whether stealing water also effect farmers’ willingness to pay. In terms of payment, social trust and social participation have positive roles in payment, which the value of the marginal effect is 0.042 and 0.037 respectively. Besides, satisfaction of small water conservancy facilities has negative effect and whether stealing water also has significant impacts on payment.   Key words:


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