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华中科技大学武昌分校本科毕业设计 无凸缘圆筒工件模具设计 No flange cylinder workpiece mold design 系 别:机电与自动化学院 专 业 班:机电0806班 姓 名:伍振江 学 号:20081100281 指导教师:赵燕 2012年6月 摘要 冲压是利用安装在冲压设备(主要是压力机)上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。这次拉深是利用模具使10号钢平板毛坯材料变成为开口的空心零件的冲压方法,用拉深工艺可以制成筒形件、阶梯形件、球形、锥 形、抛物面形、合形和其他不规则形状的薄壁零件。通过对一个阶梯形筒形件的拉深工艺计算,说明阶梯筒形件的拉深工艺的计算方法。用该方法计算确定的拉深工艺,可以 确保多次拉深过程中的拉深过渡形状不被拉断,最终拉出合格的工件。这里介绍了落料 拉伸,整形,切边等多套模具。使得模具设计、 加工精度与复杂性不断提高,模具制造工期不断缩短 关键词:筒形件 拉深工艺 整形 切边 Abstract Steel parts of the stamping process and die design Abstract The use of stamping is installed in the stamping equipment (mainly the press) on the mold to exert pressure on the materials to produce plastic deformation or separation, to obtain the necessary components of a pressure processing methods. Drawing is used to mold into a plate of 10 steel rough openings for the hollow parts stamping method, using drawing process can be made tube, ladder-shaped pieces, spherical, cone-shaped, parabolic shape, or other irregular shape and thin Wall components. Based on a ladder-shaped cylinder of the drawing process, that ladder tube drawing of the method of calculation. This method is determined by the drawing process, drawing on many occasions to ensure that the process of drawing the shape is not pulled off the transition and eventually pulled out of qualified workpiece. Here on the blanking stretch, repeatedly drawing, shaping, trimming, and other sets of mold. With the method of calculating sure deep drawing technology, make the mold design, processing precision and complexity continuously improve, mold manufacturing continuously shortening period. Key Words:Cylinder Drawing Process Shaping Trimming 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 绪论 4 1.冲压模具在制造业的地位 4 2. 冲压模具的历史发展 4 3. 国内模具的现状和发展趋势 4 3.1 国内模具的现状 4 3.2 国内模具的发展趋势 6 4. 圆筒拉深件模具设计与制造方面 7 4.1深圆筒拉深模具设计的设计思路 7 1 工艺方案分析及确定 9 1.1 拉深件工艺性分析 9 1.2 确定工艺方案 10 1.2.1计算毛坯尺寸 11 1.2.2判断拉伸次数 12 1.2.4确定工序加工方案 13 2 确定拉深力和


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