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ANTISEMITISM IS PART OF A WIDELY DISEMMINATED SPIRITUAL DISEASE IN THE WEST AND INDICATES JUST HOW DESPERATE OUR NEED IS TO INVITE THE MESSIAH INTO OUR HEARTS AND RECEIVE HIS SALVATION. It appears that whenever we come to significant turning points in history the dominant people in Christendom at the time become frustrated and restless. They feel deprived and robbed. Christendom is jealous of what the Jews have. They look at the Jewish connection to Israel and the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And they want it for themselves. And they have come to believe that they can’t get it. This too is a lie. Why do people hate each other? People hate other people because they believe the other people have something they themselves do not have and cannot ever have. But they want it desperately. And they have come to believe that they can never have it. This is the situation in Western Christendom. Deep down in the European soul there are memories of an ancient feud. There are hidden memories of a broken covenant and a lost connection. With this comes a longing to know what has happened. And there is a desire to enter into those glories yet unseen. That is why westerners in times past sold all their goods and went crusading. Their armies homed in on the holy City, Jerusalem. Like salmon returning to the place they were spawned, they were going back home. They were returning to the Middle East. For evangelicals this longing has been wonderfully fulfilled. They already have a connection to Israel. It comes through the indwelling Christ. He is that promised Seed of Abraham. Many others under state religion and those in nominal Christianity are not as blessed. But the desire is still there. Along with it comes the emptiness and angst within the soul. Here are the facts well researched by Yair Davidiy (B). Many Westerners come from a people who were taken captive by the Assyrians around 722 B.C.. Caucasians were once a people milling about back at the Caucas


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