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The Disability Measurement Matrix Barbara M. Altman Jennifer Madans Elizabeth Rasch Angela Me Margaret Mbogoni Elena Palma Orientation and Process Matrix as it evolved from first meeting of Washington City Group Instructions and expectations Meetings at the U.N. Resultant draft Overview of Matrix Presentations Part 1 – Explanation of the conceptual model Barbara Altman Overview of Matrix Presentations Part 2 – An examination of the empirical reality in place now Margaret Mbogoni & Malin Synneborn Elizabeth Rasch Elena dePalma Overview of Matrix Presentations Part 3 – Using the matrix, identifying the gaps and other uses Jennifer Madans Matrix Objectives Put some order into the discussion of disability measurement Help clarify the purpose of data collection in order to identify appropriate measures Understand choices being made when time, expenses and respondent burden limit number of questions Mapping the Space Disability measurement is multidimensional like the phenomena itself. Not every measure is appropriate for every purpose, nor is a single measure always sufficient. Objective of the The Disability Measurement Matrix is to develop a tool to guide the choice of measures appropriate to the purpose of the data collection. Matrix Components 3 major elements of basic matrix Conceptual model – Work in progress, to be shared here Actual examples – Work in progress, to be shared here Ideal examples – Future project, for European meeting and beyond Matrix Components The conceptual model is made up of three parts, A, B & C. Part A represents the variety of purposes for measurement . In graphic format it is represented by the Y axis. Matrix Components Part B represents the substantive aspects of the questions that enhance the understanding of the concept of disability. In graphic format it is represented by the X axis. Part C represents the characteristics of the questions that specify details about either the concept of disability or the format of the ques


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