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Cost Optimization Who we are: We represent North America Cost Optimization Department. Gary Marvicsin. MBA – Powertrain Supervisor with Manufacturing Engineering experience. Sharon Li-Calso. MBA – Supervisor with Interior Trim experience N.A. Cost Optimization Cost Optimization(CO) is part of the Product Development/Manufacturing Finance Office. CO Consists of 1 LL4 Manager and approximately 25 LL6 Supervisors and 140 Cost Analysts. N.A. Cost Opts Organization Seven Commodity Sections: Chassis/Brakes, Electrical/Electronics, Safety/Glass/Sealing, Engine Transmission Stamping/HVAC/Interior Trim Exterior Trim/Instrument Panel/Consoles These sections support piece cost and tooling estimate requests submitted by both NA car and NA truck PMTs. The last two sections also are our North American Truck Vehicle center and North American Car Vehicle Center. These two centers’ supervisors are responsible for managing all N.A. vehicle program for Cost Opt. Cost Opts Organization (cont.) Prototype Tooling Section:provide estimates for prototype tooling and piece cost for all new programs. Process Analysis and Control: This group is responsible for updating, maintaining, and providing training on unique Cost Opt. Systems and processes. How our estimates are used Provide Engineer with estimated value of alternative designs Provide Buyer with understanding of process used to make parts Provide Finance Analyst with projected cost for future programs(target setting), where designs, quotes and or other cost info are not available. Our Estimates are: Based on a set of assumptions – (better detailed assumptions = better estimate) Electronically calculated by Computer Aided Part Estimating system (or Qwest, Quick Web Estimating System) Detailed in process, material, and labor Supported by GRIMM Global Rate Information for Machines and Materials (database) A Measure of Manufacturing Value Components of an Estimate Material Labor Direct Indirect Machine Repair, and O


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