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English jokes There are thousands of jokes which use “play on words” to amuse us. Now read some of these customer and waiter jokes. ?humorous 1. C: What’s that fly doing in my soup? W: Swimming. I think! Para.1: Para.2: Para.3: Para.4: Para.5: Q1: Give a description on the little tramp? * * Unit3 A taste of English humour 2. C: What’s that? W: It’s bean soup. C: I don’t want to know what it’s been. I want to know what it is now. 3. C: Waiter. Will the pancakes be long? W: No, sir. Round. What is humor? Humor is the quality(品质) of being funny and making people laugh. How many kinds of humor do you know? verbal nonverbal funny stories; funny poems; jokes; cross talk; funny plays tongue twisters (绕口令); mime (哑剧); farce (滑稽剧); body language play on words mime farce Charlie Chaplin Mr. Bean He is one of the most famous humorists that can make others laugh all the time. Charlie Chaplin A MASTER of NONVERBAL HUMOUR Find out the main idea of each paragraph C). The reason why people need laughter A). Chaplin’s childhood E). An example of Chaplin’s work: The Gold Rush B). Chaplin’s achievements D). His most famous character Write notes about Charlie Chaplin’s career. Famous character Job Died Born Notes on Charlie Chaplin’s career 1889 1977 actor The little tramp Q1: Who did best in bringing laughter up to now? Q2: Why can he make people laugh? Because he made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed, so they could feel more content with their lives. Charlie Chaplin Para.1 1889 He was ______. His parents were _________________ __?__ He was taught to sing and dance. Father died His family ______________, and he spent his childhood in __________ __________________. He became a most popular child actor. He could ____ and act the fool doing ordinary everyday tasks. born poor music hall performers As soon as he could speak and walk became worse off his mother and brother looking after mime


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