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分离工程 期末论文 超临界二氧化碳萃取葡萄籽油的研究 Extraction of Grape Seed Oil from Grape Seed with Supercritical Co2 学 院: 化学工程学院 专业班级: 化学工程与工艺 化工081 学生姓名: 翟仁荣 学 号: 0座机电话号码 指导教师: 戴卫东(副教授) 2011年6月 期末论文中文摘要 超临界二氧化碳萃取葡萄籽油的研究 摘 要:葡萄籽油中富含亚油酸和其它不饱和脂肪酸,具有较高的食用和药用价值。传统的葡萄籽油提取方法存在着收率低和溶剂残留的问题。今基于对酿酒过程中废弃葡萄籽的开发利用,探讨了采用绿色洁净分离技术——超临 界流体萃取技术从废弃葡萄籽中萃取葡萄籽油的可行性,重点考察了萃取温度、萃取压力、CO2用量及不同原料对葡萄籽油产率的影响。研究表明萃取压力对产率的影响较温度显著,实验确定适宜工艺条件为萃取温度55。C,萃取压力30MPa。此条件下以张裕酒厂提供的籽为原料所得产率为9,71%,同时气相色谱分析表明,葡萄籽油产品中含有72.05%的亚油酸。另外,分别以三种不同来源的葡萄籽为原料进行实验,研究显示,葡萄籽油产率随原料不同而存在一定差异,产率较高者可达13.51%。 关键词:葡萄籽;葡萄籽油;超临界流体萃取;分离;二氧化碳 期末论文外文摘要 Extraction of Grape Seed Oil from Grape Seed with Supercritical Co2 Abstract: Grape seed oil contains quantitative linoleic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids which can be used as food and also have high officinal value.The traditional methods of extracting grape seed oil have some defects such as the low yield and the solvent residue.In order to make full use of the abandoned grape seeds in vintage process and to avoid the mentioned defects,the feasibility of extraction of oil from the grape seeds with supercritical fluid CO2 was studied. The influences of extraction temperature, extraction pressure,the amounts of CO2 used and the diferent grape seeds on the extraction yield of grape seed oil were investigated.The results show that the extraction pressure has more remarkable efect on the yield tlian the temperature,the extraction yield of oil is up t0 9.7l% when using the seeds offered by Changyu Pioneer W ine Co.Ltd.and the suitable extraction temperature is 55。C and the extraction pressure is 30]V[Pa.GC analysis of the oil product shows that the product contains 72.05% linoleic acid.The experiments were done respectively using the materials from three different sources,and the corresponding yields of grape seed oil have some diferences among the three materials and the highest yield is up to 13.51% . Key words: grape seed; grape seed oil; supercritical fluid extraction; separation; c



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