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大学英语预备级2作业4 单项选择题 第1题 He was overcome by the fear ___ he had lung cancer. A、which B、what C、that D、of 答案:C 第2题 His visa application was ---- by the US government. A、rejected B、refused C、resisted D、reduced 答案:A 第3题 They want to know ___ do to help us. A、what can they B、what they can C、how they can D、how can they 答案:B 第4题 i don’t know where ___ going. A、will she B、she will C、is she D、she is 答案:D 第5题 It will not be long before we ___ again. A、meet B、shall meet C、would meet D、will be met 答案:A 第6题 hello , may i speak to dr. bush? ___. A、Yes, I’m Bush B、Yes, it’s me C、Here is Bush D、Speaking 答案:D 第7题 ___ do you think of my new idea? A、How B、Which C、Who D、What 答案:D 第8题 ___ do you record the temperature in the lab? Every two hours. A、How soon B、How long C、How often D、How much 答案:C 第9题 Let’s do the cleaning right after class, ___? A、will you B、shall we C、do you D、can we 答案:B 第10题 Let’s visit the bookstore on our way back home, ___? A、shan’t we B、won’t C、shall we D、will you 答案:C 第11题 ___ wonderful birthday I am having! A、What B、What a C、How D、How much 答案:B 第12题 ___ an exciting city Shanghai is! A、So B、Very C、How D、What 答案:D 第13题 ___ the friendship between our two peoples last forever! A、Could B、May C、Would D、Must 答案:B 第14题 ___ the teacher’s suggestion ,Tom finally found a way to settle the problem. A、Following B、To follow C、Follow D、He followed 答案:A 第15题 There cane a terrible cry ___ the fall of the pole. A、followed B、To follow C、following D、that follows 答案:C 第16题 The telephone was invented in 1876 by a man ___ Alexander Graham Bell. A、named B、naming C、that names D、who named 答案:A 第17题 Water ___ into vapor by the su


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