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BEC中级口语考试注意事项 1. BEC口语考试的特点是什么? 1.情景性 2.功能性 3.互动性 就以上三大特点,以BEC中级口语考试第三阶段的双向讨论题为例进行详细分析。 Example Ordering raw materials Your company is going to order some raw materials for your production. You have been asked to help with the order. Discuss the situation together, and decide: (1) what you need to consider when you choose your suppliers; (2) how will you communicate with your suppliers and work together to reduce your production costs. Example Analysis Candidate A: When considering a supplier, I think we must consider the price of goods first.(表明观点). We would rather choose those who offer us a favorable price.(正说阐述观点) 或: We would not choose those who offer us a fancy price.(反说阐述观点) Candidate B: Yes, I agree because only if we get the supply at a lower price can we make profit.(同意并说原因) Well ,another important thing we should consider is reliability.(引出另一个观点) Candidate A: Right.(表示同意) We will choose those who always deliver their goods on time or those who can ensure the quality of goods.(正说加强观点) 或: We would never choose those who always deliver their goods late or those who can’t ensure the quality of goods.(反说加强观点) Candidate B: Absolutely. Late delivery may bring a heavy loss to us, and quality is the lifeline of a business or we may lose our own client.(同意并说原因) What’s more, I think we should also consider the location of the suppliers.(引出另一个观点) Do you agree? (征询意见) Candidate A: No I don’t agree. In my opinion, the location is not the problem. If they can offer us a rock-bottom price, we would still choose them.(表示不同意并给出理由) 从这一部分题解示范中可以看出,整个第三阶段的双向讨论中,贯穿了商务情景、语言功能和交际技巧。这也正是BEC 口语测试的重点和难点。 2. 怎样应对BEC 中级口语考试? 针对BEC 口试的这些特点,要想取得口语考试的好成绩,考生必须解决好以下几个问题。 1)了解商务工作背景知识。 需要积累一定的专门知识,包括经营管理、产品营销、售后服务、客户联系等。还应对一些商业名词或术语,如:CFR,distribution, TQM, networked organization 等有所了解。试看下面几个第二阶段小型口头陈述题: 1.What is important when aiming to improve production quality? UP-to-date equipment Staff training 2.What is important when developing new products? Market research Costs involved


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