chapter 短语结构树.doc

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chapter 短语结构树

短语结构树 18 The PS tree for the sentence “ the child found a puppy” S NP VP Det N V NP The child found Det N a puppy X-bar 图示 XP NP Specifier X’ N’ The X N Complement mayor of Guangzhou 各种短语的X-杠标图示 NP: The tall black student of English from china. [NP[SpecThe [N’ [Modifier tall [N’ [Modifier black [N’ [N student [Comp [ppof English]] [Adjunct [pp from china]]]]]]]]] a detailed illustration of the sentence by the nested square backets . XP NP Specifier N’ The Modifier N’ tall Modifier N’ black N’ Adjunct PP from China N Complement PP student of English b. VP : ……all read the letters after lunch. [VP [Spec all [V’ [V read [NP the [N’ [N letters [PP after lunch]]]]]]]] VP Specifier V’ all V’ PP after lunch V NP read the N’ N Comp letters empty c: PP: right through the center d: AP: Very afraid of snakes. [PP right [P’ [P through [NP the center]]]] [AP very[A’ [A afraid [PP of snakes]]]] PP AP right P’ very A’ P NP A PP through the center afraid of snakes e: AdvP: uite independently of any outside pressure. [AdvP quite [Adv’ [Adv independently [PP [P’ [P of [NP [Spec any [N’ outside [N pressure]]]]]]]]]] AdvP quite Adv’ Adv PP independently P’ P NP of any N’ outside N pressure 句子结构:曲折短语IP 23 a. John would study English b. John to study English. IP John I’ I VP would to V’ V NP study English 24 a. John studies English. b. John is studying English. c. John has studied English. IP John I’ I VP -s is…-ing V’ has.. –n V NP study English 标句词词组CP: They say that John will study English. [IP They [I’ I -pres. [VP say [CP that [IP John [I’ will [VP study English]]]]]]]. IP Spec I’ They I VP -pres. present tense V CP say C IP that John will study English 并列结构 26 . The cat and the dog. NP NP1 CoordP The cat Coord. NP2 and the dog Exercise I e.g.: The prisoners brutally attacked the guard who spotted them. Two clauses: 1. The prisoners brutally attacked the guard… 2. ... who spotted them. They are


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