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Lesson 21教案   Aims: Remember: excuse ,me ,oh ,but   Use: Is this your/my/his/her pencil-box Yes, it is. /No, it isn’t.   Here you are. Where’s my… Type: New teaching   Teaching steps:   1.Topic: What’s your name, please What row are you in Is everyone here Who’s not here What’s this/that Talk freely between the teacher and the students. 2.Test One: CAI课件1 3 Show aims: CAI课件2 4. Practise   Step one: Ask and answer: What’s this/It’s an apple.? Holding up an apple A: What’s this? Holding up a pencil B: It’s a pencil.   A: What’s this?? Holding up a pen B: It’s a pen.   Then talk about Picture One: Listen to the tape A: Excuse me. Is this your pencil box B: Yes, it is.   A: Here you are.   B: Thank you. excuse /iks′kju:z /.不要读成 /eks′kju:z/特别要注意辅音连缀/ks/的发音。教师拿起学生们的尺子,问:Excuse me, Is this your ruler?学生回答: Yes, it is.教师再说Here you are.帮助学生回答:Thank you. 然后再换不同的实物,让学生反复练习数次直到练习熟练 Step Two: Look, Listen and say   A: Excuse me. Is this your eraser? Holding up an eraser ask one student B: No, it isn’t. I think it’s her eraser. helping the student to answer A: Han Mei, is this your eraser C: Yes, it is. Thanks.   A: That’s OK.   Listen to the tape. excuse me是一种有礼貌的说法,再让他们多次练习,并小组(四人)练习。 Step Three: Look, listen and say Sb page 26, dialogue 3   A: Where’s my cup? Is that my cup B: No, I think it’s his cup.   A: Jim, is this your cup?? Holding up a cup C: Oh, yes, it is.   A: Here you are.   C: thanks.   A: But where’s my cup Then listen to the tape,并强调“my”这个词,教读but/but/.并让学生分角色来练习表演。   Step four: (叫出4个学生,每个学生拿着4个不同的实物,把4种实物收起来,用类似的对话的方式进行操练)   A: Excuse me. Is this your bag B: No, it isn’t. I think…. Where’s……?句型 Step Five:? Workbook SB page 111.Wb Leson 21 . Do Ex1-3   Ex one Ex Two Ex Three 5. Summary:   6. Test Two CAI 3 7. Homework: Finish off the WB Exx, Write Exx 1 and 2 in exercise book. Lesson 22教案   Aims: Remember: they, these, those, hill, tree, boat   Use: What are these/those? They’re…   Grammar: The Plural Form of Nouns.   Type: New teaching   Teaching steps:


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