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摘要 随着现代科技的进步及人们物质生活水平的提高,手机已经成为大众最喜爱的电子消费类产品。中国经过近几年的高速发展,已经成为全球第一大手机市场。国内手机市场虽然发展迅速,但由于起步较晚,在面对国际手机品牌的激烈竞争下,在市场中一直处于弱势地位。 而苹果手机作为近几年崛起的又一企业,其成功不仅在于他拥有简单靓丽的外表、功能强大的配置,还在于其行之有效的营销渠道和营销策略。本文通过对苹果手机营销渠道和营销策略的深入分析,指出我国手机企业应在关注消费者、追求简约、个性与差异化、建立有效销售渠道和重视营销策略等方面借鉴苹果公司有价值的经验,以便提升国产品牌产品的竞争力。 关键词:苹果手机;国产手机;营销策略;营销渠道 abstract Along with the progress of modern science and technology and the improvement of peoples living standards, the mobile phone has become a popular favorite electronic products. After several years’ development, China has become the worlds top mobile phone market. In the rapid development of the domestic mobile phone market, the mobile phone which is produced by the domestic enterprises has been in a vulnerable position because the domestic mobile phone enterprises started later than the international ones in the market. The success of the iphone is not only because it has simple and beautiful appearance, powerful configurations, but also lies in its effective marketing channels and marketing strategies. This article analyzed the marketing channels and marketing strategy of iphone,and pointed out that Chinas mobile phone enterprises should pay attention to the consumer, the pursuit of simple, personalities and differentiations, to establish some effective sales channels, to pay attention to marketing reference according to apple’s valuable experiences, in order to improve the competitiveness of the domestic brand products. keywords: iPhone; Domestic mobile phone; Marketing strategy; Marketing channel 目录 前言 1 第1章 苹果手机 2 1.1公司背景 2 1.2苹果手机市场现状 2 第2章 苹果手机产品营销渠道 4 2.1渠道分类 4 2.1.1 独立分销商(ID) 4 2.1.2 大规模零售商 DKR 4 2.1.3 普通零售店 KR 4 2.2渠道选择 5 2.2.1 分销商的选择 5 2.2.2 零售客户的选择 5 第3章 苹果手机产品营销策略 6 3.1 体验营销策略 6 3.1.1 产品感官营销策略 6 3.1.2 体验店感官营销策略 6 3.1.3 引发思考的营销策略 7 3.2“饥饿营销”策略 7 3.3口碑营销策略 8 3.3.1开发出独一无二的产品价值 8 3.3.2塑造个性产品形象 8 3.3.3选择合适的目标群体 8 3.3.4激发消费者对产品的兴趣和购买欲望 9 3.3.5维持口碑传播的热度 9 第4章 苹果手机对我国手机企业的借鉴与启示 10 4.1 关注消费者 10 4.2 追求简约、个性与差异化 10 4.3 建立有效销售渠道 11 4.3.1营销渠道的重要作用 11 4.3


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