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Hibernate框架在电子商务网站中的应用研究 摘要 在如今的软件开发领域,面向对象技术、数据库技术以及组件复用技术以及被广泛应用。面向对象技术作为接机真实客观世界的开发概念,使程序代码更易读,设计更合理。软件体系架构的目的是为了实现软件复用。软件复用的思想是将软件看成是由不同功能部件组成的有机体,每一个组件可以被设计成能够完成同类工作的通用工具。一个合理的体系架构可以大大提高系统的可扩充性、可维护性,同时也便于任务的划分。另外这种稳定的体系架构还可以移植到其他的系统中。在实际的系统开发中面向对象技术与关系数据库技术是主要技术,开发人员通常把这两种技术的结合应用作为首选,可是面向对象技术是基于对象的相关理论而关系数据库技术是基于关系理论尤其是代数中的集合论,理论基础的不同直接导致了两种技术的不匹配。需要一种解决不匹配的策略,于是对象关系映射(Object Relation Mapping----ORM)应运而生。Hibernate是目前开发人员普遍推崇的ORM工具,这是一个基于Java开放源代码的ORM框架,对JDBC进行了轻量级的对象封装,使Java程序员可以随心所欲的使用面向对象编程思维来思维操纵数据库。 本文介绍了面向对象技术和关系数据库技术的基础,介绍了通常的数据访问模式,介绍了目前比较流行的ORM中间件,然后详细阐述了Hibernate框架的体系结构和基本原理,最后通过应用Struts和Hibernate框架技术开发网上购物系统,研究和分析了Hibernate技术在实际开发中的应用。 关键词:对象关系映射;ORM;Hibernate;MVC;J2EE the Reserch and Application of Eletronic Commerece Website Based on Struts Framework ABSTRACT Nowadays in the software development field, object-oriented technology, database technology and component technology are already widely used。Object-oriented technology as the development concept of closing to real objective world, the code more readable, design more reasonable 。Thinking of software reuse is to consider software as a complex of different components, and each of components can be designed as a common tool to realize the similar function. A rational framework can improve expansion, maintainability and easiness of task partition, object-oriented technology and database technology play an important part in many systems, and developers are keen on the union of them. Object-oriented technology is based on theories of object, but relation database technology is based on theories of relation especially theories of set. Diversity of base theory has led to mismatch of the two technologies. Therefore a strategy to resolve mismatch is required urgently, and the object relation mapping arises at the same time. the mapping of object and relation is a kind of job of consuming time. Hibernate is the ORM tool which is generally regarded by many programmer at present. It is the ORM tool of an


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