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摘要 本管理信息系统是针对企业的实际需求开发设计的,利用计算机运算速度快、存储信息容量大、处理逻辑问题强、功能强大的优势,从企业管理特别是查询与决策信息的管理需求出发,针对性强,功能齐备,旨在通过帮助该企业物资管理实现信息化,以提高企业管理的效率。大到总体框架、小到每一个数据库表的字段选取都采用真题真做的手法,在企业中采集了许多实际资料。利用计算机运算速度快、存储信息容量大、处理逻辑问题强、功能强大的优势,从企业管理特别是查询与决策信息的管理需求出发,针对性强,功能齐备,旨在通过帮助该企业管理实现信息化,以提高企业管理的效率。与此同时,我们所学到的知识也得到了理论联系实际的目的。物资管理是一般工业、商业企业生产管理环节中重要的一环,需要对物资基本信息管理、物资调配信息等进行完整的监控。物资入库首先要登记物资的基本信息,包括物资的种类、名称、型号、单位、单价等;然后登记物资入库信息,包括物资基本信息、入库地点、入库人、经办人、数量等;根据物资的入库、出库过程的综合,得到各种物资的余额信息,方便进行后续工作。因此物资管理信息系统需要记录物资流通的全过程。 关键词:系统,设计,物资 ABSTRACT This management information system is aims at the enterprise the actual demand development design, using computer operating speed quick, information storage capacity big, processing logic question strong, function formidable superiority, specially is the inquiry and the decision information management demand embarks from the business management, pointed strong, the function is prepared, is for the purpose of through helping this enterprise goods and material handling realization information, enhances the business management the efficiency. As big as the overall frame, slightly all uses the technique to each database table field selection which really writes really does, has gathered many actual materials in the enterprise. Using computer operating speed quick, information storage capacitybig, processing logic question strong, function formidable superiority, specially is the inquiry and the decision informationmanagement demand embarks from the business management, pointed strong, the function is prepared, is for the purpose of through helping this business management realization information, enhances the business management the efficiency. At the same time, we learn the knowledge also obtained apply theory to reality the goal. The goods and material handling is the general industry, in the commercial department production management link an important link, needs to the commodity basic information management, the commodity to mix the information and so on to carry o



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