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摘 要 信号发生器作为电子技术领域中最基本的电子仪器,广泛应用于各个领域中。随着电子信息技术的发展,对其性能的要求也越来越高,如要求频率稳定性高、转换速度快,具有调幅、调频、调相等功能。本论文报告为基于FPGA 的DDS 波形发生器,具有一定的实际意义。通过研究直接数字频率合成器(Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis 简称DDS或DDFS)的基本原理,掌握了DDS 的核心相位累加器的功能;分析了FPGA 的性能结构,了解到DA转换电路与FPGA 之间的通信控制功能;结合外围电路,设计了基于FPGA 的DDS 波形发生器。 本系统主要以FPGA芯片EP2C8Q208C8 为核心,辅以必要的模拟电路,在Verilog编写的程序控制下,构成了一个基于直接数字频率合成技术的波形发生器。 关键词:FPGA; DDS;波形发生器;Verilog。 Abstract Signal generator in the field of electronic technology as the most basic electronic devices, widely used in various fields. With the development of electronic information technology, its performance requirements are also getting higher and higher, such as high-frequency stability requirements, conversion speed, with AM, FM. The topic for the FPGA-based DDS waveform generator, has a practical significance. Through research Direct Digital Synthesis (Direct Digital Frequency Synthesis referred to DDS or DDFS) to the basic principles of the DDS grasp the core of the phase accumulator function of the performance of the FPGA, DA conversion circuit and that communications between the FPGA Control functions in conjunction with the external circuit, the design of the FPGA-based DDS waveform generator. This system is mainly to FPGA chip EP2C8Q208C8 as the core, supplemented by the necessary analogcircuit, in the preparation of the Verilog programming, constitutes a Based on Direct Digital Synthesis technology wave generator. Key words: FPGA; DDS; Waveform Generator; Verilog 摘 要I AbstractI 第一章 绪论1 1.1 引言1 1.2 国内外现状1 1.2.1 国外信号发生器现状1 1.2.2 国外信号发生器现状2 1.3 DDS的优劣势3 1.3.1 DDS的优点3 1.3.2 DDS的缺点3 1.3.3 单芯片DDS介绍4 1.4 本论文主要内容4 第二章 FPGA工作原理6 2.1 FPGA 简介6 2.1.1 FPGA的发展历程及特性介绍6 2.1.2 FPGA系统结构和资源6 2.1.3 FPGA的设计流程9 2.2 FPGA实现DDS的方法11 2.2.1 基于IIR滤波器的DDS11 2.2.2 基于查表法(LTU)的DDS13 2.2.3 两种实现方法的比较17 第三章 DDS工作原理18 3.1 DDS理论可行性18 3.2 直接数字频率合成基础19 3.3 DDS的频率分析20 3.4 DDS输出特性22 3



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