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1. 开幕词 Ladies and Gentlemen, Your responsibility today is great. The Fourth WTO Ministerial Conference coincides with a difficult period where several countries have seen their economies undergoing recession and slowdown. You will be the focus of attention until a ministerial declaration satisfactory to all parties is issued; a declaration launching a fresh round of trade negotiations in Doha that reinforces confidence in the Organization, gives a strong impetus to trade exchanges, and at the same time gives a stimulus to the world economy. The world is looking forward to a new round that would give prominence to development, consolidate the principles of justice and equity in the multilateral trade system, and open wide the market for the commodities of less developed countries and contribute to the flourishing of their economies. A successful meeting will demonstrate that all nations, rich and poor alike, are working together for a better and more just world. It will show that cooperation and mutual understanding are the way to solve our problems. 2. 开幕词 今天我们聚会在一起,在平等互利的基础上,就广阔领域里建立合作代伴关系交换我们彼此的看法。这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性会议,它反映了我们希望进行交流与合作、增进相互理解和信任的共同愿望。我深信这次会议将对我们的双边关系和多边关系产生积极的影响。并且深信,两国高层领导人之间的频繁交往,不仅有助于我们两国之间关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区、乃至整个世界和和平与稳定。我愿借此机会,向会议的东道主表示衷心的感谢。最后,让我们为会议的成功,干杯! 3. 欢迎词 Welcome Speech at the 2007 ChinlCT by Franck Nazikian,President of ChinlCT Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my pleasure to welcome you to ChinICT 2007 as a member of our community. For the second time in China,the most promising private ICT companies not only from China but also from Europe get together to express their talents. Whether you are an investor,a journalist,a key executive,a prominent official or a seasoned entrepreneur,I am convinced you will develop some fruitful relationships during the event. With world—class keynote speeches,the most innovative companies and interactive roundtable discussions,you will also benefit from valuable inform


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