广东省惠州市212届高三第二次调研考试作文评讲 原创.ppt

广东省惠州市212届高三第二次调研考试作文评讲 原创.ppt

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英语试卷作文评讲 广东省惠州市2012届高三第二次调研考试 基础写作指导 找出要点,写出简单句; 借助连词,介词,从句的运用,合并信息,整理为5个句子; 检查时态。 修改润色。 广东省惠州市2012届高三第二次调研考试 当地政府正在实施快速公交和桥梁建设,结果()引起了人们的广泛争议。 一些人赞同()因为她解决交通问题,方便人们的生活。 ()有助于发展经济,提高人民生活水平。 ()有助于提高惠州作为现代化旅游城市的形象。 反对的人认为()会造成环境污染。 ()会产生噪音,打扰居民的平静生活。 ()时常造成交通堵塞。 当地政府正在实施快速公交和桥梁建设,结果()引起了人们的广泛争议。 Recently the local government has decided to broaden some narrow roads to build BRT, which has caused a heated discussion among the local people. 广东省惠州市2012届高三第二次调研考试 一些人赞同()因为她解决交通问题,方便人们的生活。 ()有助于发展经济,提高人民生活水平。 ()有助于提高惠州作为现代化旅游城市的形象。 广东省惠州市2012届高三第二次调研考试 反对的人认为()会造成环境污染。 ()会产生噪音,打扰居民的平静生活。 ()时常造成交通堵塞。 A POSSIBLE VISION Recently the local government has decided to broaden some narrow roads to build BRT, which has caused a heated discussion among the local people.Some agree that we should carry out the construction project because it can solve some traffic problems and make our life convenient and comfortable. Besides, it helps promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Huizhou as a modern tourist city in the northeast of Guangdong province. But others believe that the project may cause air pollution and traffic jams may appear now and then. What’s worse, the people who are against the construction think that the noise produced by the work will disturb people’s peaceful life. 写作基本句型参考 表明观点与看法: People have (take , adopt, assume) different attitudes towards … People have different opinions on this problem. People take different views of (on the question. Some people believe that …, others argue that… * 第一步:找出要点,写简单句 The local government decide to build BRT and overpass, as a result , it caused a heated discussion. 检查时态,合并句子,完善句子 Some agree to carry out the project because it can solve some traffic problems and convenient to people’s life . It help promote the economy and improve people’s living environment as well as the image of Huizhou as a modern tourist city . Some agree that we should carry out the construction project because i


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