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优尼全能英语:12岁之前应该做的50件事:孩子们别宅在家啦! Climbing trees, building dens and flying kites were all once common childhood pleasures. 爬树、建巢穴、放风筝这些室外运动曾是我们每个人童年生活的快乐源泉。 These days, however, the popularity of computer games combined with over-cautious parents has put paid to such outdoor adventures. More than four in five adults say their children spend less time playing outside than they did at their age, according to research by the National Trust. 然而,据英国一家民间组织National Trust的研究显示,近年来,电脑游戏的普及以及过度谨慎的父母共同终结了孩子们的户外运动。超过五分之四的成年人称,他们的孩子花在室外运动的时间要比自己当年少。rdquo; In an effort to entice youngsters away from their TV screens, the charity asked children to name their favourite outdoor activities. As a result, 15 fresh ideas ndash; including running barefoot in the grass, star-gazing and exploring a cave ndash; have all been added to last yearrsquo;s list of lsquo;50 things to do before yoursquo;re 11frac34;rsquo;. 为了劝导青少年远离电视屏幕,National Trust让孩子们列举自己最喜爱的户外运动。结果显示,包括赤脚在草地上奔跑、夜晚看星星、以及筑穴在内的15个新颖项目被列入了去年ldquo;11frac34;岁之前要做的50件事rdquo;榜单里。 ‘The National Trust wants every child to enjoy nature. Today we are launching the second year of our 50 things to do before yoursquo;re 11 frac34; list, improved with help from children.’ ldquo;National Trust鼓励让每一位孩子享受大自然的魅力。今天我们发起了第二年的lsquo;11frac34;岁之前要做的50件事rsquo;榜单,相比第一年在孩子们的帮助下做了进一步的完善。rdquo; The 50 adventures every child should have by the age of 11frac34; 孩子11frac34;岁之前应该做的50件事 1. Climb a tree. 爬树 2. Roll down a really big hill. 滚下山坡 3. Camp out in the wild. 野外露营 4. Build a den. 筑巢 5. Skim a stone. 磨石子 6. Run a round in the rain. 雨中跑步 7. Fly a kite. 放风筝 8. Catch a fish with a net. 抓鱼 9. Eat an apple straight from a tree. 吃树上的苹果 10. Play conkers. 康克戏(儿童游戏,双方用系在绳上的七叶果轮流互击,以击破对方的七叶果) 11. Throw some snow. 打雪仗 12. Hunt for treasure on the beach. 海滩探宝 13. Make a mud pie. 做泥馅饼 14. Dam a stream. 筑水坝 15. Play in the snow. 在雪中嬉戏 16. Make a daisy chain. 用雏菊做项链 17. Set up a snail race. 赛蜗牛 18. Create some wild art. 创造野生艺术 19. Play Pooh sticks. 玩Pooh sticks游戏(人们站在桥


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