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常用短语及搭配精粹 Call in 召来;请进;来访 They called in a doctor without delay.他们立即请来了医生。 call on访问(某人) I hope to call on you at your office at 3 this afternoon. 我希望今天下午3点到你办公室去拜访你。 Call to mind想起 I cant call to mind where I saw you for the first time. 我想不起第一次见到你在什么地方了。 call up打电话;使忆起;征召 Who called me up Just now?刚才谁打电话给我? The scene called up my childhood memories.这情景勾起了我对童年的回忆。 Calm sb. down (使某人)镇静, (使某人)平称,(使某人)宁静 cant help不禁;禁不住 She couldnt help weeping as past events rushed into her mind. 往涌上心头,她禁不住泪流满面。 care about担心;关心 care for关心;音欢 Do you really care for this book?你真的喜欢这本书7 Carry off夺走 Cater to满足某种霈要或要求 He likes reading newspapers catering to peoples love of scandal. 他爱看迎合人们爱看丑闻消息的报纸。 Carry on继续进行 Dont worry about me and just carry on.不要管我,继续进行。 Carry out完成;实现;执行;贯彻 catch cold感冒;着凉 He caught cold because of the sudden change of the weather. 他因天气突然变化而感冒。 catch fire着火 Alcohol is easy to catch fire.酒精易燃。 Catch hold of抓住;握住 He caught hold of a rope 他抓住了一条绳子。 Catch sight of 看见 You may catch sight of the small island from the window facing south. 你从朝南的窗口可以看到那座小岛。 catch sb. Doin撞见某人正在做某事catch up with赶上 She ran so. fast that she soon caught up with me. 她跑得那么快,不久就赶上我了。 Centre on/upon将某人(某事物)当作中心或重点 change... for... 把……换成…… change.. into... 把……变成…… change into变成 The Genie soon changed into a heavy smoke.那妖怪很快就变成了一股浓烟。 for a change换换(口味……等)change one’s mind改变主意 I dont think she will changed her mind.我认为她不会改变主意。 Clear away把……消除掉 Please clear away the dishes. 请把碟子收走。 Close up(尤指暂时)关闭;使靠近 The officer ordered the men to close up.长官命令士兵们靠拢。 Sorry, ,madam, we re closing up for lunch很抱歉,小姐,我们现在要关门吃午饭。 clear up整理;解除(误会、疑虑等);(天气)放晴 The sky is clearing up.天空放晴了。 come about发生,产生 come off从……离开;脱落;举行;(指计划、方案宰)成功;进展,进行 These stains wont coine off,rrn airaid.我担心,这些污点去不掉。 When’s the wedding coming off ? 婚礼什么时候举行? Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off. 她想打破世界纪录,已接近



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